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i love spriting, ask me to edit sprites for you
preferably platformer or RPG sprites :)Monday! Monday Monday MONDAY!
…I hate mondays. But this one is acceptable. I have no school. =) But today, I have to study for an examination tomorow, rewrite that danged essay AND start a journal for history. Oh well. I have the entire day to do it! =) I had so much food this …
Thonksgooving. Groovy.
Hurrray for thanksgiving. Long weekend, lots of food, and chillin' with my family peeps. It's hella tite yo motha fookar.
Ahemm…*cough*I like thanksgiving. It seems to be a holiday that is always hidden away among Christmas and Halloween…Even though Halloween isn't a holiday. You get to eat mounds of …Newbee
I'm a newbee into gamemaker but I'm curently progressing into a better one, I'll upload my very first game soo that I still have to debug a bit.
Some things of this game are things I've learned from fox-nl ( GameCave )Interested? see the release screen: Me hate essays.
I got a 9.5 out of 15 on an essay. That's terrible. I say that English is my best course and then I flunk a frikken essay. Ludacris. *Shakes head* Other then that, I helped the school set up for commencement. Moving chairs is hard work. o_o
By the way, …Smilies!
Hey up ppl!
i made some emoticons using <a href = "" target = "_blank" >crazyclown2's emoticon maker</a>:( :) :D :o :P :S :| ;) XD I chose green because its my favourite colour :)