Recent Posts
I just got shot
Actualy, I didn't get shot.
I wish.This summer me and my friend, Mike, are gonna bus to BC for a week (Other side of Canada)Assuming my parents let me anyway.Mike's friend's dad is a swat officer in Toronto, so he's gonna ask the guy if we can …Midevil total war
I just bought this new-oldish game at wal-mart. Its really fun and since I havent been able to be on here lately I decided to post about that.
Gm tip: Its good to organize your reasorses and objects. Its also good to name them with a prefix such as "obj_".GM for school
For our final project in social studies we can do whatever we want as long as we get it approved, about any topic we want!
I'm thinking about making a game based on the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius at Pompeii in 500 B.C. or something. But we start in two …Disclaimer
Just a note that any information posted in my blog may be completely incorect. Except the following:
Albert E. (You know, the theory guy) worked in a patent office. Go figure.Just had some fun
One of my friends, Chris, came over for supper and stuff. (They live out in the city) Anyway, we played a whole bunch of games, and his parents were so busy having fun and drinking enough to drown a person to realise that it was 1:50am. So, they stayed here …
Computer still hasn't come!
Where the hell is my computer? We sent it in to be repaired a week and a half ago! I am getting tired of dealing with this crappy laptop. Must…get…computer…back…before…
I…use…any…more…of…these…'…'…things.Breaking News!
Breaking news, just in…
Oh wait, nevermind; there is no exciting news.But there are a few things I can say:—————–My website seems to be up and running, so if you would like to visit it, here it is:<a href="">Intelligence Productions</a>The technology used on …YAY Random Php Game
<b>Im bored so im gonna make some php game based on kings of chaos! W00t! I have not tried anything as big as this with php but im hoping it will be succesful, seeing as you are reading this you might aswell go here: and make my army bigger …
Ive been a little busy, sorry
I havent updated in a few days so sorry.
Ill tell more about the online game.There will be 3 battle modes, all in rts style except without buildings, just the armies. Anyway, the first mode will be space, where your fleets fight and such. The second is over a …