Pokémon Online (No I'm not making it)

Posted by -0NL1N3- on Nov. 5, 2006, 11:07 a.m.

Today, I got the VBALink GBA emulator. You can play over the internet with other people, play over a LAN network or from the same computer (run 2 VBALinks).

Anyways, me and Toon-Master decided to have a Pokémon battle over the net. It lags but you can still do stuff ok. We first tried to have a battle where he had 6 Pokémon and I had 2. But that never loaded. So then we decided to use 1 each. He used Rayquaza and I used Sceptile (Treecko FTW). He useed confuse ray and confused me. I hurt myself from my confusion. Then he used Signal Beam (wtf?) and it knocked me down to 7 HP and when I tried to attack him but ended up hurting myself and killing myself.

Anyways, here's a small tut for people who want to try this (over the internet):

1. Get VBALink. Hint: www.vbalink.info

2. Get some multiplayer ROMs i.e Pokémon Emerald (PM mw if you don't know where to get ROMs)

3. Ok, so start up VBALink and load the ROM.

4. So then when your ready to start, the host goes to Options -> Link -> (Make sure to check Wireless Adapter) Settings…

5. Click on the Network radio button.

6. Type the port into the box near the bottom (we think that you have to forward the port but we did it anyways)

7. Put the slider above the port number box up to faster.

8.Then click on the server tab and click start.

9. Now for the client, when your ready to connect go to Options -> Link -> (Check the Wireless Adpater) Settings…

10. Do steps 5 - 7.

11. Then click on the client tab, type in the server's IP, hit connect and wait till you have connected.

There you go. When you're both connected continue to do the multiplayer setup the same way as you would if you were playing multiplayer with a real GBA.

For Pokémon this would be:

1. Get your Pokémon in your party.

2. Go upstairs in the Pokémon Center and go to the last woman in the room (at the right hand side of the room).

3. Talk to the woman and follow the steps.

PM me or add me to MSN (see my profile) if you want to have a game.

So there you have it, Pokémon online without the noobs. [:P]

Edit: I just realized that I had over 1000 hits. Thank you all!




sk8m8trix 18 years, 3 months ago

why is everyone so into pokemon now?

shadowstrike32 18 years, 3 months ago

Therefore, onlin3, you are into pokemon =p

-0NL1N3- 18 years, 3 months ago

Ok then. I'm into Pokémon. But I'm not a big fanatic. Ok?

Requiem 18 years, 3 months ago

I'd try it, but VBAlink runs at a blazing 0.2 FPS or so.

It does remind me of how I used to horribly pwn people with my Mew in Pokemon Gold.

Takagi 18 years, 3 months ago

Ah, Pokemon….. entertained me in 5th grade. It was a good game. Play some really good GBA games, like Golden Sun (one and two), Advance Wars (one and two), and Fire Emblem!

-0NL1N3- 18 years, 3 months ago

I completely forgot about Advance Wars. [:O] I'll try out the rest aswell.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 3 months ago

This is illegal. Please, don't support this stuff. After all, this is a game making community, and nobody would like their own stuff stolen.

-0NL1N3- 18 years, 3 months ago

It's not illegal if you own the real game of the ROMs that you download. And…..I…..do…..<_<

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 3 months ago

I own Pokemon Blue, and every few months or so I'll load it up on Super Gameboy and play through it. It's a great game, however much I hate the show and basically everything else involved with it.

I don't even like the games past the first three (blue, red, yellow)

Josea 18 years, 3 months ago

I like the RPG pokemon games, all the others like pinball, suck. And I don't want to tall about how bad is the cartoon…