Online Engine + Contest Banner

Posted by -0NL1N3- on Dec. 13, 2006, 1:15 p.m.

Welcome! Have a cookie.

Online Engine:

Yup, I made one. Marbs has tested it and it works fine. I'm using it in my Kirby Online project and when I gave it to Marbs (to help him out with making an online game) he made a racing game. He tested it at school and it worked perfectly with 7 people. The max amount of players you can have is 255 but in my engine, it's 20 (although you can change it). I'm not releasing yet seeing as I want to add account creation first. It doesn't require much to make an online game either. The only objects that it needs are: obj_player_self, obj_player_other and obj_control. You can make any kind of online game with it. Also, I over-commented it so you should understand it.

As I said, I'm not releasing it yet but if you have any ideas you may like me to add to it, just tell me.

Contest Banner:

EDIT: It's a .swf file and embedding it won't work, so here's a link.

My new contest banner! I made the background in Photoshop and animating the snow using Actionscript in Flash 8. Woot.

So, that's about it. Visit Prixel too. Don't ask why, just do it. [:P]




Patrick7286 18 years, 2 months ago

wow the engine sounds great. what dll are you using? and btw cool banner. there sure are alot of great ones that people are making it'll be tough for anyone to win.

-0NL1N3- 18 years, 2 months ago

Quote: Alert Games
um… no offense, but so far many of your members of your forums are n00bs. :(

Yeah, it doesn't take much to make an online game, but you would need an IP from another person at the time you want to play. Also, mysql is too slow to use in an active game, and a server isn't always easy to get. At least from my knowlege.

No offence taken. I don't know where those people came from…>_> Anyways, my engine is a Server and Client connection. You just run the server and people can connect. There's no server list, just one main server which you can control. I've never used MySQL in GM before but I think FredFredrickson uses it for his Reflect-enable games seeing as they update the site with which servers are up, player info, etc…

Quote: Patrick7286
wow the engine sounds great. what dll are you using? and btw cool banner. there sure are alot of great ones that people are making it'll be tough for anyone to win.

I'm using 39DLL, which in my opinion is the best. JakeX gave me a few pointers on my banner so I can fix it up and maybe have a good chance of winning.

Misconstruct 18 years, 2 months ago

Wow, that engine sounds too good to be true! Can't wait 'till you finish it. I definitely have use for it.

Shork 18 years, 2 months ago

How does the sever work again? Use idiot-based wurds, cuz me is computarded.

chicklet 18 years, 2 months ago

shmoo, gimme cookies… REAL cookies…

Alert Games 18 years, 2 months ago

@online: yeah, dont use mysql for active gaming connection. It's good for highscores, stats, etc.

Although I dont need the server example now, I'll probably need it later, so thanks :)