Hey guys, we've just released our first game! Woooo. Gnomes is on the app store here and the website for the game is http://www.gnomesgame.com/
Android version is being uploaded as I write this. For those who have iOS devices, or who have friends that can get the game, enjoy! And let me know what you think. We need some more reviews on the app store :) There's also a demo out which contains the first 10 levels if you're too cheap to support indie game development!
At first glance:
Dear lord, how many artists do you have and what kind of demons did they make deals with?Looks interesting, I'd get it if I had a smart phone, but I hate those things; they do everything a computer does, but not nearly as well.
That music is definitely creepy enough to represent gnomes.Looked at the android version, why do you need to send SMS… and have all the permissions? :o
Hey, thanks for your feedback. Just fixed the android permissions to match what the app actually uses, by default it just set all of them.
Charlie Carlo: I see your point! Well taken. Therefore, if anyone wants to actually play this game on iphone, then let me know and I'll give you a promo code. How's that? :)