a long time ago...

Posted by 1nd1anaj0n35 on April 10, 2009, 11:05 p.m.

Wow. So a few weeks ago I remembered about all the fun I had with Gamemaker/this site, so I decided to look it up again, only to find out the site was down. Being the stubborn bastard I am, however, I decided to dig and Google until I could re-download my crappy/entertaining games I made by visiting 64digits.com/games/. Ridiculously simple, yet it took me 25 minutes to figure it out.

Anyway, more retrospective thoughts: I'm really glad I made those games, posted a blog on here, and I'm glad that I can look back on it as sort of a time capsule from over 2 years ago (almost THREE now!). Gamemaker led to downloading the GIMP, to making fun signatures/avatars, to learning more about graphics, to downloading Photoshop, to editing/hacking other simple games and theming Zune player and my iPod Touch; to pretty much a lot of the computer experience I have. I owe a lot to that program, and to this site.

A lot has happened since that summer; I spent my junior/senior year of highschool attending the University of North Texas, thereby finishing my highschool career while collecting a total 67 college credits. Living in a dorm away from my parents, and with a completely unique set of friends has been an amazing experience, and I can't wait to start on my real college experience.

I've been accepted to a few universities, but the one I really want to go to is the University of Michigan; unfortunately, out-of-state tuition is $40,000+ and I haven't received any scholarships; financial aid could be coming, but I'm not keeping my hopes up. I'm going to try to make calls, but I might have to give up at some point. Which means I'll be staying in Texas to attend UT Dallas, who gave me close to a full-ride scholarship; a larger price to pay then it might seem, because I'll be settling for my second choice school for a made-up concept that we call "money."

So I have a big decision ahead of me: go to the big M and have an amazing experience with lots of debt, or go to UTD and live with my choice for the rest of my debt-free life.

I know this is a long post, I just kinda wanted to write down all my thoughts; I only have until May 1 to accept my schools, so I've been really thinking a lot lately. Unfortunately, I haven't been the happiest person, and I feel almost like I'm falling into depression. I don't think I will though, I can already tell whats happening and I'm surrounding myself with my friends and whatever choice I make I know somehow it'll work out in the end. Peace out.



Cesar 15 years, 10 months ago

You know. Your blog's title is the opening line for Star Wars, a movie by George Lucas. Your username is also a movie by George Lucas.

Just putting that out there.

1nd1anaj0n35 15 years, 10 months ago

no pun intended.


OH and I'm not trying to be a douche. But yes, I did notice lol, and it just reminded me of that blog :D

Broxter 15 years, 10 months ago

That pun thing was a funny read. pun intended.