First off, I released PaperBlast and don't forget to check my new weekly webcomic.
—–This blogpost is about my next big game. Because I don't know yet what it's going to be. I want to surprise people again as much as I did with Karoshi.This is why Karoshi was good:1. - Completely opposite goal2. - Outside the box thinking3. - Funny4. - Idea of the game instantly appeals5. - and is universal tooFor my next cool idea, let's see if I need anything of the above.1. Not particularly.2. Maybe, but in a different way.3. No.4. Would be a great plus.5. this too.Karoshi was a basic platformer with a twist. That's how it started anyway. It would be cool if my next idea could be something like that as well, and for some reason I prefer platformers. Anyone an idea?I do have plenty ideas for new games and there are a few small ideas I may work on, but I haven't found anything really good yet.What more can you do with a basic game concept? What possibilities are there? How do you come up with something that sounds fun when you just explain the concept? And it can't be something that is done before… It's hard, so I'm asking your help. Any idea, how silly it may be, is appreciated.
Make a game where you control the entire level with the keys, and the main character just stands still.
lol. - Keifer