If anyones interested with the amount of bandwidth used by 64digits, then you can check out "http://64digits.com:2045/64digits.php"
If any Admin wants this removed just pm me, this is something that will be soon added to the VPS Control Panel at ZXHost(AplusHost).Just thought it would be nice for the 64D community, the graph shows the transfer rate of 64D vps over the last 4 hours.Updated every 5 minutes.Thanks
That is pretty interesting,though I suggest you delete Hog's post and just put it into the blog with the img
So why does outgoing seem to peak before incoming?@serprex:
I would if I had html priv's.Also there is no link between incoming and outgoing, it really depends, if suddenly all the members decided to upload their files then Incoming would peak. Then if all those files were downloaded the Outgoing would peak up.However as a general rule Outgoing is normal always the largest, as Incoming is normal just requests for a webpage (few kb).Where Outgoing includes downloads and html files being sent to the user, however on a site like this there will be Incoming peaks due to uploading of files.Thanks[[blk]img][[blk]/img], APlus :P
hogofwar and privs…ha
Thanks Arcalyth.
Pretty cool. :o
I see how to read it now…
coolI like you 'cause I have no idea what you say, but you make it sound smart.