That...was close

Posted by ATOGAMES on Aug. 31, 2009, 5:44 a.m.

W00t! 64D is back up and running smoothly, all right!

I was afraid to do any posting during that black month of uncertainty,but I guess the it's all cool now… right?

I was doing a e-magazine while I was away and I gotta say ill do better next month. but it was just horrible! for real! the only good thing in there was an inter view with polystyrene man (who's a pretty cool guy (>^_^)>).

and oh my gawd how many of you are keping up with Japanese events? raise your hand! and how many of you were pissed of by dragonball evolution? raise your hand?

now look at this movie and tell me you don't get pissed…


the bad part here is they get to change the title to dragon "battle" evolution. so not only are they totally killing someone elses suckass project,but the actual dragon ball movie looks better than this crap…and congrats to juju for pissing me off(this is a joke ;) ).

also I made this in my spare time (link: )

Me thinks im gonna get spamed over this video….

~THe ATO"S so out!(He's in……….)


Alert Games 15 years, 4 months ago

i dont keep up with japaneese events personally.

NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 4 months ago

and oh my gawd how many of you are keping up with Japanese events? raise your hand!

mixahman 15 years, 4 months ago

that video sucked, anything with Lorenzo Llamas sucks balls.

Leyenda 15 years, 4 months ago

Japanese events? hahahah… that movie was made by 20th Century Fox (US company).


ATOGAMES 15 years, 4 months ago

you don't get it….the publishers are selling it in japan under the name dragon battle evolution

[deleted user] 15 years, 4 months ago

i keep up with japanese events.

c76 just ended and i downloaded about 1gb of music.

i haven't even started on the hentai doujins.