Good break so far.

Posted by Acid on Dec. 25, 2007, 3:56 p.m.



I've been grounded for so long that I really can't remember when I was last ungrounded. So, on Saturday, my mom just decided that she would let me off the hook if I made sure I at least attempted to do my homework. (I have a problem with homework: I don't understand the concept! If we spend all day learning this stuff when I can be doing something more productive like practicing programming/spriting/drawing/skating.

Human Tetris

I'm not sure how old this is but the other day I was over my friend Zayne's house and we were just messing around on the Social matches in Halo 3 and on Gears of War when we decided to get on YouTube and look up some random crap. Somehow we started watching the Human Tetris Japanese game show and it was hilarious! Later (on #3/4 the guy with thick, black glasses starts pushing people in the water at random moments. This is a good way to kill some time with a couple of laughs.


I recently started playing MPO (Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops for PSP) again and it's a lot more fun the second/third/fourth round through and I have no idea why! Anyway, the thing that keeps me hooked is the idea of collecting so many things: weapons, ammo, items, and soldiers! It's a lot of fun to me. I might get MPO+ with my Christmas money!

Christmas Eve

At my church we have a Christmas Eve candle-lit service where we have someone control the lights and after the service starts the person goes to the back hallway and just turns all the lights off at the right times and turns them up to a dim when the people need to read their hymnals. It looked pretty nice. But the oddest part was that I didn't know that I would end up being the "light man" when I got there.


I didn't get a WHOLE lot this Christmas because of some family and personal issues that have happened but I still had fun today. I DID get some money and a crap-load of candy though. :D I'm probably going to get a new Memory Stick PRO Duo and some headphones. Or MPO+.

(BTW: The IceBreakers "Ice Cubes - Dragonfruit Freeze" may be the best gum I've ever tasted in my life… ever… And it's sugar free!)

Guitar Hero III

Though I don't have it because of the issues I referenced to above, my friend is definately getting it for Christmas! Tomorrow I'm going over his house so we can hang out and beat the game together. (And he can kill me in it. XD)

5391 Hits at the time of posting.


Carlos 17 years ago

111 Hits at the time of posting.

Acid 17 years ago

@SY: Can I is stalk?

@George: LMAO!

Cesar 17 years ago

if it's for Wii, join the 64digits tour group

Acid 17 years ago

Nah… it's for Xbox 360. :(

But I'm getting it for the Wii when I get some money.

Cesar 17 years ago

I gots a 360 nao =D

Acid 17 years ago

All I can say is: "Get a job."

But what sucks for me is that I still have to wait two years before even the worst jobs will accept me. >_>

Acid 17 years ago


frenchcon1 17 years ago

Falcon puu?

Jaxx 17 years ago

@Human tetris, it's LOL on youtube.

@MPO, I'll be gettin' that, go on the International servers so we can have a match =D

Lethal 17 years ago

You have an awesome avatar.