y halo thar

Posted by Acid on July 27, 2008, 7:04 p.m.

Have any of you found another decent place to hang out on the internet besides 64digits? (I would have included 4chan but that place isn't decent. :P) I've been pretty bored lately and I've been trying to find some good places to hang out with other aspiring game and software developers and graphic artists. Here's a short list of the sites that I've already found that are worthwhile in my opinion (not in any specific order):

1. 64digits - 64digits.com

2. Deviant Art - deviantart.com

3. TIGSource - tigsource.com

4. Urban Dead - urbandead.com

5. Wikipedia - wikipedia.org

6. Indie Games - indiegames.com

7. Slashdot - slashdot.org

Now… I need your help because I'm bored… give me more sites!

Filler time:

GM isn't running on my gaytarded computer. :(

And when I tried to reinstall it the installer didn't run either. :(

Oh and btw I loathe casual games. :(

I suck at bowling… first I got 102 when I was trying to get as high a score as possible for me and then I got 23 when I was trying to get 0. :(

My mom made oatmeal cookies! :)

I'm almost old enough to get a job! :)


Bryan 16 years, 5 months ago

#64digits irc

Ronnica 16 years, 5 months ago

I know a pretty good website

Acid 16 years, 5 months ago

I didn't used to HATE barbie until I just went to her website and saw a HSM2 section. I loathe HSM.

KNZone2 16 years, 5 months ago

eww 4chan/deviantART

Try SheezyArt, sometime, it's filled with good trolls.