So yeah… I'm supposed to be doing so much work right now but I can't bring myself to do it.I procrastinating two hours of homework, two games, one client's art work, and putting on pants.I have this really bad habit of singing terribly… but then people give me compliments and it really confuses me. After a choir concert, one lady walked up to me specifically and said that I have the "most beautiful voice" and she would love to listen to me more… I wish I could sing as well as she thinks I can. :(Really, all of this is just filler so that I can fit in with the cool kids.
I too have a habit of procrastinating and maybe you can sing well you just don't….meh I wont even go there.
I think everyone has the habit of procrastinating on this site.
Must be contagious.
yep… you look like you're on acid alright.
You fit in, there are no cool kids here.
Except PoystreneMan…And Fsx…Mush,Cyrus,JuurianChi,Ronnica,JID…,wait…OH SHI
DUUUUUUCKFACEis that, a Username tag?
I was about to get mushy and then I remembered peoples antics regarding that tag…Also, did someone say duckface?If anyone says "Id hit that", I'm going to smack them.LOL.
Also, I duckface'd on purpose to cause massive whining… but it didn't REALLY work. :P