I want for nothing.

Posted by Acid on July 20, 2011, 3:13 p.m.

Being a lower-middle class mixed kid with a single parent, though over the course of the last year my dad has been back in my life and helped out a lot, I never thought there would be a day when I would want for nothing. I mean, I'm not rich or whatever, but I LITERALLY have everything I need. I have an apartment lined up for my wife and myself in the middle of August. I have a plethora of unbeaten videogames on modern systems that seems to have popped up out of nowhere. I will be able to completely pay for my first year of college before hand so there won't be any loans or fees later. Everything is going right for me, and it's really scary because this has never happened to me before. There was always the worry that something was going to get shut off, or that someone was going to steal something from us again, or just general depression.

But I don't have that anymore. I'm genuinely happy, and I was just laughing with my wife today over the fact that we went to the mall and really couldn't buy anything because:

a. We already have slightly too many clothes

b. We have enough apartment furnishing and furniture - all we need is a futon. :P

c. We don't need entertainment because we have all the video games I mentioned earlier and whatnot.

It's just that I'm so happy that my life is finally working out after 18 years of wondering what it's like to be truly satisfied. I'm just afraid of the ever looming crash that I hope never happens. I know there will be ups and downs, but hopefully never a fall.

I know you guys don't care, but I have to tell somebody this because my family already sees it and I don't really have too many friends that I really care to tell this to. But for some reason, it feels good to tell it to random strangers I've never met but have talked to over the internet for 6 years. :P

Well, I hope for good luck in your lives as well. I honestly feel like life is what you make it and while I'm still not rich or maybe even REALLY set, right now it feels like it and I'm ecstatic.

EDIT: Also, on a sidenote: if you're a student, all Autodesk software is completely free. You won't be able to plot engineering stuff or whatever because you get a student key, but the good note is that all of the functionality is there and software-wise everything is the same (as far as I've seen and read) meaning that you can use your 3d models and whatnot in other programs and stuffs. :P


Rez 13 years, 5 months ago

well thats good

Cesque 13 years, 5 months ago

Awesome! You're a bit like me now. Except that I'm not exactly happy, there's just nothing material or immaterial would make me less miserable than I am, so it's a bit like being happy about my life. Oh, and you have a wife.

JuurianChi 13 years, 5 months ago

6 awesome years and now your Paramount is at hand, mate.

MMOnologueguy 13 years, 5 months ago

You lucky motherfucker.

Or smart motherfucker, maybe, depending on the circumstances.

Acid 13 years, 5 months ago

Can I be lucky and smart?

MMOnologueguy 13 years, 5 months ago

Maybe you'd just be double lucky for being so smart.

JuurianChi 13 years, 5 months ago

You fucking Pirate.