
Posted by Acid on Jan. 7, 2012, 1:14 a.m.

Lots of stuff going on but I'm so tired I'm probably going to miss a lot and I don't even care.

I'll pretty much do it list style and then expound upon each subject as a feel in the final edit of this blog. You guys won't see any of the changes since they'll be made pre-posting, but I'm pretty much just typing exactly what I'm thinking, when I think it. I'm not going to add to much unnecessary trifle, but I honestly can't keep a single thought right now. It's 2AM and I just worked for 5 hours, which isn't that long, but I'm still pretty tired.

Okay, section one: XNA. HOORAY I'm going to start making games for Windows Phone 7 because nobody else will and I'm really tired of not having any fun games to play on my phone. I don't know whether or not I'm going to start putting games on the marketplace, since it's a $99 buy in, but I might if I feel like I got something substantial going on. I got a book on XNA called "XNA Game Studio 4.0: Developing for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360". It's actually pretty cool. I've only had time to skim it, but it seems to be the mini tutorial that I wish would have come with the dev tools for XNA. But, it's all good. My Barnes and Noble gift card helped me out with that.

Speaking of my gift card, I also got a bunch of graphic novels to fit my fanboyness of both Metal Gear and of Batman. I got both volumes of the MGS comic book by Ashley Wood and some other guy, but I really only care about the art. (I've beaten every game so many times that I can play them in my head. I SERIOUSLY KNOW THE FIRST GAME ENOUGH TO DO THIS COMPLETELY. EVERY SINGLE PIXEL. NO JOKE) I also got Batman: Year One and a Batman Bobble head. I was going to get the Star Wars Omnibus: Episodes I - VI, but they cancelled the order and sent me a refund. That's when I bought XNA Book and Year One.

I recently dug out this old Yamaha keyboard that we brought with us when we moved and I spent 6 AA batteries on it playing it almost non-stop for two days. Then the batteries died and I ordered an AC adapter on Amazon, which I only found out existed because I was ordering an MIDI -> USB cable so that I can use said keyboard to record music easier. It's pretty annoying to pretend to play the keyboard/piano on laptop keys. But it's going to be awesome to map keys to specific sounds and loops while I'm playing and make creating music THAT much easier. I signed up for Amazon student and got free 2 day shipping on the AC adapter, but I didn't realize that Amazon student existed before I ordered the MIDI cables, so now I have to hope and pray that they come in tomorrow.

I haven't done a SINGLE thing with my F4D project in at least a week. It's really sad to because before that week I got so much progress done. I added in a NIGHT/DAY cycle, I added in actual timekeeping, I fixed objects so that it's a lot easier to have items that you can just pick up off the ground, I made it SUPER easy to add more items into the game world without a lick of problems. And then I completely lost steam. I should be working on it right now. That's why I bought a case of energy drinks. And I'm drinking one now. Crap. I can't find it. There it is. On the table.

That tasted good.

Speaking of good, I just modified my "My First Built System" wishlist on newegg. I do this every month or so. I replace out of stock parts and add in newer/higher quality ones that have dropped in price. It's title comes from the fact that, while I have built PCs and have maintained other's desktops, I have never built a PC for myself from scratch. The laptop I'm using now, while awesome, was bought at Best Buy because at the time the limit on my debit card was too low to make an online purchase for the one I REALLY wanted that had slightly better customized specs and was slightly cheaper. :(

But, since I should be getting at least a BIT of extra income soon, my dream of finally doing something most people here find mundane and normal is coming to fruition.

Wow, this blog is getting a bit lengthy for me.

Edit: I actually didn't do it list style and ended up doing almost no changes, except for the VERY often backspace because my fingers never listen and I make one billion spelling errors per minute. This is actually the only post writing change. Everything just flowed and worked. But then again, this is a post-posting change, so it doesn't even count.


Alert Games 12 years, 8 months ago

Heh. Being less populated in the store means more exposure for you if you play your cards right :P

Castypher 12 years, 8 months ago

And then I completely lost steam.
This is why I didn't want to drag the contest out too much. Everyone starts to lose their motivation after two weeks. I just didn't want to see a bunch of Frogger and WarioWare clones.

Acid 12 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, I'm hoping to use that to my advantage as well.

And, Kilin, don't worry - I'm going to finish my entry this weekend (today and tomorrow).

DesertFox 12 years, 8 months ago

And then I completely lost steam.

http://store.steampowered.com/ <- found it!

:D :D :D

Alert Games 12 years, 8 months ago

steam.com owait…

valve.com owait…

Acid 12 years, 8 months ago
