Theory of Relativity

Posted by Acid on Aug. 21, 2013, 12:39 p.m.

School is going to relatively lame this semester. I say relatively because I had set the bar way too high for my expectations - I took a computer science course a tier higher than the last course I took because it was WAY too basic. (Simple C# and basics of programming) Now I'm taking a Visual Basic course, but it looks like I might not have jumped up high enough. We're pretty much just talking about creating simple GUIs and forms for Windows and the web. :/

At least I have the same instructor that I had last semester. He has a kind of boring tone of voice, but he's pretty thorough and sometimes, even with the simple stuff, he'll talk about a hotkey or a small feature that I didn't know about in some programs (Visual Studio 2010, Notepad++, etc.) that can still help me increase work efficiency.

I will say that one thing that has hindered me slightly in self-teaching programming is the fact that I actually follow most of the standard syntax protocols and design ideas but I don't always know the terminology of what processes I take and so it's hard to explain my code verbally to others. :P

Astronomy is going to be both awesome and boring. The class seems like it's going to be pretty dull, but we take our classes in the planetarium so that's cool. And we will get to see some shows in-class as well.

I'll take my other classes later.

Later days


firestormx 11 years, 4 months ago

You sure Juurianed the end of that blog!

You're taking astronomy? What kind of stuff will they be teaching you?

Acid 11 years, 4 months ago

I did the "Juurian" on purpose. I thought it was cute.

I have no idea what they're teaching me. It seems like it's going to be simple stuff like general astrophysics (F=ma) and facts. Nothing difficult. :\

Edit: What Cyrus said.

JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago

Oh, this is Acid's blog.

I thought I had accidently words.

At least I have the same instructor that I had last semester. He has a kind of boring tone of voice, but he's pretty thorough and sometimes
Reminds me of my old Computer Science professor. He was one of those guys who seems like he would rather be somewhere else, when really he just has a reeeeealy quiet demeanor.

JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago

That's what everyone who joined my College's Astronomy class did. There was even a protest against the linearity, like whoa.

Quietus 11 years, 4 months ago

you may find the software "Celestia" helpful (it's free). it's helped me understand proportions between say, Earth and the Moon, Earth and the Sun, our Solar System to nearby exoplanets/stars etc. you can look at/zoom in on any object in the Milky Way. it's really cool, it may make Astronomy class less boring to you haha.

edit: [ insert facepalm gif here ]

Acid 11 years, 4 months ago

I actually have that! But thanks for reminding me, hel!