Bound 3

Posted by Acid on Nov. 30, 2013, 11:57 p.m.

Previous Title: Acid's Stream of Consciousness #2

I'm absolutely going to follow a working schedule for Frosty Four Digits this time. Every day I'm going to spend a minimum of 15min on SOME part of the game. I have an idea, but I'm going to spend the first 3 days hashing out ideas and game plans. I didn't start early because, even though we had the theme two days early, I decided to not even think about F4D until it actually started (as a personal rule).

For a second, I contemplated actually making that game that I kind of started the last F4D I participated in (persistence) which would fit the them really fucking good but that feels cheap as shit and I don't want to do that.

My friends keep having parties and forgetting to invite me. One of the perks of being a young father, I guess.

Abbey got/is concerned a little bit because like… 4 of my friends girlfriends all started texting me at once on a regular basis. Mostly about problems with my friends, and I try to help. But I'm also talking to those friends at the same time. So I'm on my phone a lot. She gets mad. :P

I hate talking about shit going on in my life because it makes me want to delete the blog before I'm finished typing (like I've done probably a hundred times over the course of the past 7 or 8 years).

I have 12 programs that I have to write by tomorrow night. Procrastination is a bitch. But it's not even really procrastination. It's like… anxiety. I can't do it. Not because I don't have the skill - these programs are easy as shit. Dumb stuff like "load a text file with data and display said data and write/rewrite data" but… I don't know… I keep freaking out. I just need to get it done.

Puking is an option.

I'm not even drinking.

I wish I had egg nog.

These marshmallows are getting gross.

In the morning I'm going to eat so much bacon because we actually bought bacon when we went to the store today.

I keep fluctuating between unnecessarily confident in my skills and ideas and having unlimited drive to do ANYTHING, being borderline extremely depressed, and just feeling trapped due to stress.

Donald Glover, Kanye West, Seth Rogen, James Franco, & Tyler the Creator are inspirations to me. I don't give a damn about your opinion of them or their various arts, they inspire me as a human. If they want to do something, they fucking do it and push it to their limits of skill. I want to do everything, and it's a stupid goal, and I'm still going to push for it anyway because what is the purpose of life if you don't live it to it's fullest. I'm slowing work on FBF for now because the serious shit that fucked me up is too ingrained in my head and, since FBF was the biggest focus when it happened, it's kind of tied to it subconsciously I guess, and it makes it hard to work on it.

Right now, my main focus is going to be on school and F4D. I'll work on some songs and some beats while working on those things, but that'll be background stuff.

In case you didn't know, and want to find something funny to chuckle over, I'm a rapper/poet/singer. It sounds funny/stupid to hear come out of my mouth, but fuck it. I'll do what the fuck I want and fuck has become a regular word in my vocabulary and I hate it because cussing is the lack of creative manipulation of a language to get your point across by using easy multipurpose words that need no deep understanding or mastery of a language to throw around. I guess that's what depression does.

I wish I could hug Seth Rogen. He's my spirit animal.

Meh, I'm done with this garbage.

Edit: Shout out to Eva - I stole that nigga blog format, b

Edit 2: I'm also still talking to Juju about the European/African T-Shirts. Apparently there's been problems, of which I'm unclear, but I'm going to do my damnedest to fix it. As you know, I'm a young father and student, so I have no available funds to put towards it (I actually already put a bunch of my own money into it, and so did FSX) but the tariffs and stuff I'm assuming were more than anticipated. I paid like an extra $60-$80 for shipping overseas, which I thought were the international costs, but apparently Juju had more costs there, and I'm still trying to figure out WHAT went wrong and how. Anyway, the gist of the story is that if I ever do physical merch, I'm only going to do it within the USA, so nobody gets screwed. :P


JuurianChi 11 years, 1 month ago

Yeah! Cool! And Egg Nog!

My friends keep having parties and forgetting to invite me. One of the perks of being a young father, I guess.
That's a business perk, too.

The thing about stress is that most of the time it's just stress, like I've discovered that working near my family REALLY freaks my brain out, like all the times I thought I was having a heart attack or a panic attack I just really -in the back of my head- hated the shit out of being near my family. :O

Donald Glover, Kanye West, Seth Rogen, James Franco, & Tyler the Creator are inspirations to me.

Interesting, here are mine:

Amir Bloomfield, Steve Jobs, Woody Allen, Robbie Toyota, Akio Watanabe, James Franco, and Damon Albarn.

[quote=And to quote your Brilliant paragraph (With annotations. I hope you don't mind)]I don't give a damn really care about your opinion of them or their various arts, they inspire me as a human Psychotic Robot Demon. If they want to do something, they fucking do it and push it to their limits of skill. I want to do everything, and it's a stupid goal fundamental to my existence as the Humanoid personification of Greed, and I'm still going to push for it anyway because what is the purpose of life if you don't live it to it's fullest. I'm slowing work on FBF for now because the serious shit that fucked me up is too ingrained in my head is not really my project, I am sad to admit.

So I'm on my phone a lot. She gets mad. :P
Gosh, mate. I would get angry too, no offence. Who has time for friends as a man of your position?

Just a personal opinion, but if I married and then bed with someone - if I wasn't working, they would have all of my attention. :D

I wish I had egg nog.

Castypher 11 years, 1 month ago

Amir Bloomfield, Steve Jobs, Woody Allen, Robbie Toyota, Akio Watanabe, James Franco, and Damon Albarn.
Robbie Toyota
FSX is apparently Juurian's hero.

LAR Games 11 years, 1 month ago

I don't really have anything that inspires me. That's probably why I'm rarely inspired or motivated, I guess.


Donald Glover, huh?

I think he's really funny, I'm just sad he decided to leave Community. T_T

Acid 11 years, 1 month ago

When I'm on TV, I'm going to accidentally cause a server shutdown to the site by giving you all a shout out. My bad guys.

@chi: Relationships are fickle things, based on pure relativity.

LAR Games 11 years, 1 month ago

The fact that I don't like rap makes me sadder.

JuurianChi 11 years, 1 month ago

Donald Glover, huh?

I think he's really funny, I'm just sad he decided to leave Community. T_T

Quote: How I imagine people reacting to Spoilers

ahhhhhhhhh nonononononono ohmygodhowcouldyou augh I love donaldsomuch I don't even like black guys but I love himLOL ugh I mean like is he really leaving because that's so sad am I gonna be depresssed on no. I guess I can't watch community anymore and it's all your fault, LAR lol

FSX is apparently Juurian's hero.


Acid 11 years, 1 month ago

The fact that you don't like rap makes me sadder for you. :(

Also: I spend all of my time on Rap Genius because it's awesome as fuck if you love rap/hip hop. (But they also have Rock/Poetry/News Genius now too.)

LAR Games 11 years, 1 month ago

Well, I like SOME rap songs, but the thing is, most of them are just parodies of real rap songs. :(

Then again, I don't really like ANY genre of music besides specific songs that I find in other media. Maybe I just don't like music in general.

Everyone used to think me really weird in high school for that. :/

JuurianChi 11 years, 1 month ago

Also: I spend all of my time on Rap Genius because it's awesome as fuck if you love rap/hip hop. (But they also have Rock/Poetry/News Genius now too.)
I visit those sites once every month. Though I was there way more often than usual last July because I was unhappy with their Annotations for the Gorillaz Lyrics so I lobbied for someone to fix everything it was terrible…

Everyone used to think me really weird in high school for that. :/

Well at least you got to go to High School.

Acid 11 years, 1 month ago

I don't think the annotations are by any means perfect in every situation, but I love living in the interactive knowledge generation. I love layers of language. I love creative flow and extended metaphor. I live for double/triple/quadruple entendre. Rap/Poetry is amazing.

Creative sound manipulation is awesome in Hip-hop and EDM too. I don't use samples in my music, but I can appreciate good evolutions or remixes.

Edit: Also, my family and friends and Abbey make fun of me because I listen to Albums and Discographies instead of specific songs by Artists. If I like someone's stuff, I want to get to know them as an artist and as a person and the best way to do that is to listen to everything they've said/are trying to say. I want to appreciate/know them as a whole. But I suck at remembering lyrics verbatim. :P