What are you doing?

Posted by Acid on April 18, 2014, 10:25 a.m.

You're sitting there lurking on the page.

You're not commenting.

You're not blogging.

You're looking at the page that hasn't had activity for hours.


I don't mean that as an insult - what are you doing?


I'm starting to see progress in some people being stagnant. I just want to make games with awesome people, guys and gals.

Edit: If you really don't want to post, don't post. I'm trying to help. If you don't want to hear it, you can TOTES ignore me. :D


Acid 10 years, 8 months ago

You guys have been successful in your request.

I'm starting a personal blog tonight. All #64DSC updates will still happen through here, but it's clear that my content is unwarranted and/or misunderstood.

Have fun! :D

Note: I'm not going to stop blogging, it's just that I've gotten more than a few comments and messages about stuff I'm posting here not being what people want to see. And I'm not mad or anything, I just don't see the point in posting to no comments or just complaints. :P

Castypher 10 years, 8 months ago

and it's far easier to spell and pronounce than your current name.
And tolerate.

I'm starting a personal blog tonight. All #64DSC updates will still happen through here, but it's clear that my content is unwarranted and/or misunderstood.
I think you're missing the picture. Nobody has a problem with you talking about your personal endeavors. In fact, everyone welcomes them. I'd be happier with you taking the drill sergeant approach if you were constantly showing things that made us think "Man, a working father is doing this shit, I need to get my act together." But right now I just see a lot of words, even in Alternare's case. You get upset when people aren't as excited as you are about it, but most of us just see a lot of talking and not a lot of tangible progress.

You know what they say. Ideas are a dime a dozen, but only those who follow through on them are deserving of the praise you seek. So maybe it's time to turn the tables a bit. Stop talking about Alternare. Show us things instead. BASKET was a fantastic start. You should know, as a long-time user, that words don't motivate 64Digiters, actions do.

I'm confident that you have the drive to make things happen, but the fact that people don't post every little thing they do with their projects isn't a bad thing. It just means, for the most productive of us, that we don't have anything that we're confident in showing 64Digits.

I do think people need to post more updates, though. As for yourself, keep posting here as well. You may not think so, but some of us read each and every one of your blogs, just waiting to see when you finish the design phase and start the intensive, awesome work.

Perhaps the competition's end will reassure you of this.

Acid 10 years, 8 months ago

Alternare isn't a quick "I'll make this in a couple months" game. This is a project that's going to take months to design - if I'm working extremely FAST it will probably take 6 - 9 months to build the engine I'll work off of.

I'm still going to update but on a personal blog that I'll maintain on my website.

And, if I've learned anything from my experience on this site, it's that self-teaching is the best way for me to learn and that images really are the best way to communicate with other people. Anything I would show you for Alternare would be visually similar to what you can see or make yourself in BASKET. As I said before, I'm currently working on some cool stuff to show on Saturday and Tuesday. I have been consistent with my words and my actions.

Powerful Kyurem 10 years, 8 months ago

Acid: That sounds like a lot of work. It's like the turn-based RPG engine I've been making. I've made lots of attacks and a good chuck of the overworld stuff, but I have yet to make the turn-based system. XD

Nopykon 10 years, 8 months ago

Oh, this forum is super active compared to the other one I'm at. @Acid I'll keep an eye out for your blog. By the way: Do you do have IRL meetups in this community? In my city, some of us indie devs actually meet up over coffee or beer. It's super nice. For a long time, I used to be the only person I knew that knew programming and game-making, but now I know a few, which is really motivating.

Acid 10 years, 8 months ago

I'm actually organizing one for the Midwest Area (OHJAM) in August. But beyond that, not much. Robbie and Matt did a US Tour once. They're Canadians and it was fun! :D

Iasper 10 years, 8 months ago

The main difference is that rather than a group of Swedes, people here are from across the world so meetups are not exactly easy to hold.

Nopykon 10 years, 8 months ago

One would think you had at least some people around. Sweden I SMALL, and low people density. Do you live in the desert?

By the way, what about collaboration? Do you want to make games only by yourselves? That a good way to get so social that you even get sick of each other. xD

Iasper 10 years, 8 months ago

Collaborations happen quite often actually, and yeah it's true there's always a few people relatively close by (especially in America) but most of the time it still takes quite a bit to get to each other.

Toast 10 years, 8 months ago

What are you doing?
fucked if I know