AND NOW, FOR THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR:5TH Gems Prize (Valued at $10)4TH Gems Prize (Valued at $15)3RD PLACEGlass WingConstruct 2 Individual LicenseGame Maker: Studio Professional LicenseAn Original Track created by Nick Simmons (Up to 10 minutes long) Gems Bundle (Valued at $25)2ND PLACEGun Princess 2Construct 2 Individual LicenseGame Maker: Studio Professional LicenseAn Original Track created by Nick Simmons (Up to 10 minutes long) Gems Bundle (Valued at $50)1ST PLACEIktsuaOne Unity Pro License (Valued at $1500)An Original Track created by Nick Simmons (Up to 10 minutes long) Gems Bundle (Valued at $100)
Thank you everyone for joining in! I, personally, would like to thank each and every one of you for contributing your time to making games - even if you didn't finish - and for playing games made by others. Stay awesome! Keep doing awesome things!NOTE FOR WINNERS: Prizes will be distributed via email as they are available.
I had a good time seeing what people came up with for the competition. Great work everyone I had a fun time with the games.