I'm actually using the bathroom right now.
Would take a selfie but it's a little difficult since I'm on my laptop.Doing Big Things™America is a Fuck.Hope your life is less bad than 10 years ago.G'day, m'ladymen.I'm actually using the bathroom right now.
Would take a selfie but it's a little difficult since I'm on my laptop.Doing Big Things™America is a Fuck.Hope your life is less bad than 10 years ago.G'day, m'ladymen.
10/10 blog right here
Do we have a way to pin blogs to the front page permanently? Like, cross-iteration, I never want this to not be the first blog on the site.I want to have this bronzed and put it on my desk.Don't do that to me Acid.
Well, then. You sure tricked me.
nearly had a heart attack
#idontseeaproblemwithithonestlytbh #previousbanteam #nopermabans #lol2012
One day I will meet the hero previously know as Juurian and I WILL give him a bear hug.