More Prettiful Than GearGOD's....

Posted by Adventus on Nov. 4, 2006, 8:18 p.m.

As GearGOD unvieled to you yesterday, the experimental project i was working on was global illumination. Since i've never seen it done in a 2d environment, and even commercial companies have only just started implementing it, it took a little while to get right (and it still isnt perfect). Anyway, heres some prettier pictures, since GG's ones were from an earlier build:



Just recently i got one of the strangest PMs, it was basically the GMC life story (like when he joined, why he joined, his GM interests and aspirations) in chronological order of this guy named Neemesis who want to develope some contact with me….

EDIT: Removed, its too big and not particularly interesting. Post if you wanna see it.

In other news, i've been working my arse off all weekend to get two assignments down for Chem and Physics. Im really starting to dislike my Physics teacher because of his habit of giving the hugest assignments ever, current word count 3500 words. Basically he gave us 3 articles by physicists explianing aspects of modern Physics, ie Quantum Electro-dynamics, Wave Theory,etc and we have to write amongst other things a summary of each one…. geez Its like English all over again.


Whats with all the tags people put in their blog title now? Are people becoming too lazy to hold there mouse over the blog….


Adventus 18 years, 3 months ago

Lol, you mean like who it's by? I always do the mouseover thing, so…
Yea thats what i mean, damn street lingo.XD.

omicron1 18 years, 3 months ago

Yay! Cookie!

Nice render techniques. Someone needs to compile all good techniques into one engine.

Acid 18 years, 3 months ago

@Pheonix101 - I don't know… maybe its a phase? I did it once for a reason unbeknownst to me.

EDIT: OMG I said "unbeknownst"!

Adventus 18 years, 3 months ago

Yay! Cookie!

Nice render techniques. Someone needs to compile all good techniques into one engine.
haha yea, this technique is, at the moment, inhouse…. we need to make Kill Catalyst stand out some how.

@Pheonix101 - I don't know… maybe its a phase? I did it once for a reason unbeknownst to me.
haha, yea i hope so, it doesnt really irritate me,its just weird that it started popping up everywhere.

FredFredrickson 18 years, 3 months ago

The global illumination is looking good so far, but there's one thing that bugs me about it… If it's currently too slow to do dynamically, what's the point? Why not just throw on a layer of radiosity-ish tiles and call it a day?

The automation is good, but to me, it seems to defeat the purpose of it if it's basically an achievable effect with tiles.

GearGOD 18 years, 3 months ago

No it isn't. Do you really think all this time an effort would be invested if this could be done with tiles? I think when you see a radiosity approximation written in GM, it's safe to assume that the creator knows what they are doing ;)

Shork 18 years, 3 months ago

So is global illumination linked to the Global Illuminati conspiracy that is trying to take over the world by inserting a microchip in your arm when you give blood?

And get used to hard ass physics and chem homework… I'm going for a PhD in chem, that will be a several hundred page essay summing up 4 or 5 years of research and experimentation, so quit complaining about your 3500 words and suck it up!

Adventus 18 years, 3 months ago

what's the point? Why not just throw on a layer of radiosity-ish tiles and call it a day?
Because you would need a hundred different combinations of each tile to even slightly replicate this approximation, and thats simply not feasable interms of vmem and storage.

Adventus 18 years, 3 months ago

I'm going for a PhD in chem, that will be a several hundred page essay summing up 4 or 5 years of research and experimentation, so quit complaining about your 3500 words and suck it up!
hehe, im just getting all my complaining out before i start my double degree in physics & engineering next year.

My real beef is with the new teaching ideas there bringing in at my college, my friend calls it 'feminising the curiculum', basically there making Physics and Maths include more english.

FredFredrickson 18 years, 3 months ago

Well, I'm not saying that it would work exactly like yours, but with about 16 tiles, you'd be able to make a reasonably good looking radiosity effect.

Don't get bent out of shape guys, I am not saying that Pheonix101 doesn't know what he's doing; in fact, I happen to enjoy his work. I am just saying that for all the work that's going into the environmental lighting, I don't think people will appreciate it much, because the effect is rather subtle.