New Game: Tribal & Pics

Posted by Adventus on April 6, 2007, 11:21 p.m.

G'day all,

Given GearGOD's recent troubles and his new found social life, it would appear Kill Catalyst is dead or at least postponed. Although i wasnt really surprised…. i seemed to be that person who says very little (on the forums) but ends up coding everything…. XD. Anyway so now im left with all these ideas and creations…. and no game.

So I've decided to have a decent stab at making my own game based entirely on all the TDS work (alot!) i've done in the past. Heres the creations i've finished at some point and now intend on incorporating:

- L3S (duh): Heavily modified version that deals with view scaling and view_angle without increased surface size. Might also use the radiosity stuff we were working on.

- Lume: A dll (C++) i wrote which uses lots of mathematical approximations, to take into accounts shadows and etc, to scan the light luminance at any position in the room. Quite impressive actually and (Ofcourse) hugely faster than retrieving pixels from the buffer/s. Will be used for the AI.

- A* DLL: A dll (C++) i wrote using the A* algorithm to find the shortest route between nodes. Its much faster than the GM grid based A* and will be easily modified to work with dynamic weightings for bot AI.

- Collision System DLL: Another dll (C++) which uses Seperating axis theorem to determine collisions between complex polygons and the optimal projection to exit collision. Also includes a fast Bounding Box collision line function which returns the x/y of the collision (much faster than using EricDB's).

Now you've know the basic engines ill incorporate heres some additional games features:

- Dynamic view: Scaling (based on action, or set to static) & rotating (based on mouse postition)…. makes the room feel much more dynamic and less blocky.

- Interesting control mechanism: WSAD with mouse, but the view_angle changes based on the relative angle from the player to the mouse and vertical.

- Setting: On a faraway planet the decendants of soldiers cut off from there homeland, have devolved into a tribal based society… unaware that the war still rages.

- Gameplay: You play as a 'Theif'-like character (AKA bow & arrow) but with a few technological twists. Stealth is paramount. Enemies use node based AI (im not just focussing on GFX) to track and hunt you down. You have make use of the environment to turn the scales.

- Engine scalability: You can set the resolution without changing the moniter's to as low as 320x240 and make L3S scale its surfaces (HUGE help) & turn off advanced effects. I've had a computer with 32mb of video ram and a 1.2GHZ processor play this at 30 fps…. its no way near as pretty (although i use a bit of cheap motion blur to make it smooth) but hey some people are willing to compromise.

- Etc: Theres more but i cant be bothered…. and im pretty sure im rambling by now.

And heres a few pics of what i've done sofar (sorry about the shitty jpgs but im on dialup):

And heres a bigger pic for you to orgasm over: Tribal



Rob 17 years, 10 months ago


Bryan 17 years, 10 months ago

I'd still use premade lightmaps.

OL 17 years, 10 months ago

Looks interesting… but the screenshots seem rather messy. Good luck with it.

JID 17 years, 10 months ago

That looks beautiful *cries*

Ice of sweden 17 years, 10 months ago

looks incredible!!!!

Adventus 17 years, 10 months ago

I'd still use premade lightmaps.
Who said i wasn't? Still they're not a solution to all fps problems, they still require lots of vmem (which is generally in short supply on crappy computers) and they hugely increase the size of game unless you generate them on startup.

Looks interesting… but the screenshots seem rather messy. Good luck with it.
If by messy you mean the shite jpg compression, thats because i cant be bothered waiting 30min to upload some good one (check out the link down the bottom for a slightly better png pic). If by messy you mean disorganised…. you would be completely right, these are pictures from a L3S + new stuff techdemo, so all the sprites clash in style. Just pretend that only the person, concrete, grass and trees are there to get an idea of the artistic style (like the middle pic).

David Lindberg 17 years, 10 months ago

It looks brilliant, but the 3D graphics, looks a bit laggy, and it´s all messed up!

Adventus 17 years, 10 months ago

It looks brilliant, but the 3D graphics, looks a bit laggy, and it´s all messed up!
3d graphics? all i see is lighting & shadows…. as for laggy, i didnt know you could tell that from a picture.XD …. dont worry about the fps…. as i said, using all my cunning, i can get this to work on almost any modern-ish computer.