LIFE, Pixel Art & GMFI

Posted by Adventus on June 19, 2007, 12:37 a.m.


Its my 1st attempt at pixeling. What do you reckon?…. Its the avatar of the player in my upcoming game "Tribal". Steal it and witness my wraith noobling.


As i guess some of you already know, i recently released GMFI in the dll forum on the GMC. Its a wrapper of about 60 functions of the awesome opensource FreeImage Dll…. FreeImage can convert between 28 different image formats, and also do some snazzy pixel manipulation stuff (contrast,channel swapping,etc)…. should be useful in games aswell as GM paint programs.

I made it because i've decided to include Perpixel bumpmapping (see previous blog) in my game and, inorder to save space, i needed a way of extracting the 5 neccessary greyscale bumpmaps from the usual single normal map. Its not practical to do this in GM because the greyscaling method is based of the hue of the image whereas i need it to work linearly…. ie i need: color = (r+g+b)/3, the hue algorithm is way more complex.

At the moment im writing a function interpretter for it…. so you can write a simple pixel shader, have it compiled, then let it loose on images. Should be way faster than doing it through GM…. although it is truly a bitch ironing out the bugs and making the "language" linient enough. User friendliness… HA, screw that. Yea, who would have thought, im a programmer at heart.


Just finished my last exam for the semester, so i've got a month of procrastination ahead of me. The exams were pretty easy…. except for Physics where they throw 6 really obsure problems at you and you have 3 hours to solve them. Apparently, last year, 6 out of about 200 people passed the Physics exam…. obviously they have to scale people back up, but still it was a complete bitch.


Been toying with the concept of having a randomly generated world, especially since im way better programmer than i am level designer. Would probably be alot of work, but still way cool if it worked.

EDIT: Almost forgot, here's the kind of noob i like (the ass kissing variety):

Quote: yourstuckwithme

your lighting engines are amazing,

Wich college did you study computing? Your work looks similar to some freinds of mine at UCLA, im thinking more along the lines of UNYC or VTECH? Any reccomendations? Id love to get into the industry, I presume your a game deesigner doing this **** in your spare time? any advice would be much appreciated dude!

I also find it funny that he just assumed i came from America, you know its not like 90% of humans arent American…. out wait yes it is.



panzercretin 17 years, 5 months ago

I live in Americardboardbox

Ferret 17 years, 5 months ago

nice pixiling, and i live in California! (boo ya)