The Pheonix101 opinion

Posted by Adventus on Oct. 20, 2006, 3:09 a.m.


I've never really regarded the GMC on the whole as a bad community…. and i still dont, but here is one point which, although pretty thoroughly understood amongst this community, still worthy of discussion.

Noobs (Big surprise….) Im not talking of those appreciative albeit inexperienced GM users, more the actively annoying people who inbetween bumping their own topics, insist on producing crappy productions which bring nothing new to GM yet, for some reason unfathomable to my primitive mind, are heralded as gods amongst slightly noobier people. When i heard other 64D users speak of the noobs, i could never really relate since i had never been effected enough by one to notice.

Im not afraid to name names, so what really sparked this uprising of teenage angst was <b>Tofp</b> and his continuously bumped topic: <A HREF=""><b>Tofp Area's V1.2</b></A>. Now i understand that this person is quite likely non-english speaking, but how many continuous bumps followed by 9999/10 can this person receive before he eventually realises that his examples have been done before to a fuller extent and are, to some extent, decieving. For instance, his highly touted bloom effect…. I wont go into the fact that its not actually a bloom since it doesn't determine whats above the threshold…. (woops i just did)…. its more the reason that it gets such high fps, which is because he set the *cough* blur *cough* to redraw every six steps…. pffff and since every ones getting a high fps above 360 nobody can notice the glitchiness that would be caused by using such a system in a realistic environment.

Infact it is quite obvious (and well pointed out by <b>OpticalLiam</b> i may add) that many of these examples are merely direct rips of previously released sources. Hell he even ripped the font effect from <b>GearGOD</b>'s Radial without giving an ounce of credit.

The problem is I really didn't care what the noobs did until i realised just how many good productions are being lost due to lack of encouragement and ill treated amongst the bitching, biting and scratching that is known as the GMC Creations/WIP forum. One of these productions will likely be <b>L3S</b>…which is in my humble opinion worth slightly more than 30 posts. You may put this down to my own vanity, and it is to a degree, but it is the project that suffers not me, i had planned a few updates and inclusions. Maybe there's just not a need for high quality lighting engines….

Basically i believe the moderators and advanced users, should try and maintain a community which encourages high quality projects which push GM's limitations. The simple/ethical solution lies in not posting or flaming these annoying & bad topics and simply focus our bumping prowess on whats good and hoping the noobs will eventually grow out of it. I believe <b>SleepinJohnnyFish</b> posted a similar idea on the GMC community forum.


Anyway… enough bitching….onto GM, I've totally redone the rendering system of my game which now features a dynamic zoom, so it can either manually or automatically be zoomed in/out…. whilst maintaining shadow quality i may add (not the usual surface scaling). The rewrite did make it slightly slower and more vmem intensive since i upped the resolution from 512x384 to 800x600, which allowed me to prettify my HUD a bit more. Also i've been implementing a TDS multiplayer engine i've been developing using the 39dll, currently i've got a nice chat system as well as the some decent Dead-Reckoning movement. I'm mainly focussing on maintaining network/bandwidth efficency so all those poor buggers with dial up(like me) can play.

Anyway Peace out.

<b>EDIT:</b> Fixed most of the spelling errors, since i had to rush writing it.


marbs 18 years, 4 months ago

One of these productions will likely be L3S…which is in my humble opinion worth slightly more than 30 posts
It's because people spend so much time flaming the bad games, that the good games don't get much of a look in.

Adventus 18 years, 4 months ago

It's because people spend so much time flaming the bad games, that the good games don't get much of a look in.
Yea thats a good point, i have refrained from flaming in this case…. but it was quite a struggle.XD.

OL 18 years, 4 months ago

Totally agree, it's such a shame that brilliant creations such as L3S get totally un-noticed in a sea of crap.

I think there should be a forum started by someone reputable for advanced GM users, that is invitation only.

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

we need a hitler….. to kill alll the n00bs

foslock 18 years, 4 months ago

Ya Pheonix your L3S pwns, but people don't realize how good it is until they try it. To them, it's just another lighting engine.

t3mp3st 18 years, 4 months ago

Heh: Check this post by the Tofp:


ok. send me i wll try to make it fast.

and one moment :


in most of all examples when i add my glow fps is go UP.(+30-50 fps)

An effect that actually ups fps, no wonder it gets so many replies… This technique might counteract crappy design! lol

I remember glancing at this project… Better than some of the usual junk (or at least prettier), but I'm not sure it's worth pages and pages of replies. I agree that the better topics get ignored at the GMC, I mostly avoid the sections now, as it's to time-consuming to find the good projects buried in all the crap.

On a side note, I couldn't comment much on L3S because it does lag badly on my computer. This is my PC's fault though, as my laziness in caring for it has let it turn to crap (aside from hardware issues, such as two faulty fans/etc)

GearGOD 18 years, 4 months ago

What… The fuck. I thought I made it fucking clear that graphics from my shit can't be taken. Aside from that, the whole thing is a collection of rips.

Warned him and will have that thing locked for violations if he doesn't get my shit off.

GearGOD 18 years, 4 months ago

In fact. I just reported it without waiting for him to react. I don't like that guy <_<

bendodge 18 years, 4 months ago

Think people: nobody but noobs visit Games now, so there is nothing but noobish stuff. If we all get in and make a good show, then things would improve.

marbs 18 years, 4 months ago

I think there should be a forum started by someone reputable for advanced GM users, that is invitation only.
I like that idea. something kinda inbetween eo community or whatever, and the GMC.