My Entry into Nintendo

Posted by Agent_Milo on May 6, 2007, 1:56 p.m.

I never played a Nintendo game before. Infact, It was hard for me to accept any Nintendo console.. Just cause i thought their games and characters looked and felt silly. That its, up till now.

I got fed of many of my friends and people on the drooling over what they call 'Classics'.. I checked out gamespot and saw a Zelda game that had perfect 10 score. I was astonished. I felt I just had to to see whats the big in those games. So I downloaded ZSNES Emulator and also Project64 to try some out. The first game I got was a Chrono Trigger. I started it up. Man, the game was so good..

I then thought that the other games must be fun and cool too, so I scavenged through some sites that offered N64 and SNES ROMS. All the games that people told were excellent had something, what was it.. oh yeah, ESA Protection. Wonder whatever the hell that was, it didnt allow me to get those masterpieces. I was eager enough to buy a Nintendo console, so I bought it off a friend of mine (currently stuck in X360).. But he didnt have any games. There were many sites on the net which still offered to sell nintendo games. I bought some and guess what? Im totally hooked! I cant get them off my head. All those characters are stuck in my brain whatever I do. I didnt know nintendo made such good games. Boy, they even beat many current-gen games in many aspects. The only thing I regret right now is my extremely late entry into Nintendo's pitch. I'm planning to get a a Game Cube and a DS. No, not the Wii. Although I would have liked to get it, purchasing the other games will leave a hole in my wallet.

Right now, I have the following games in my N64:

>Zelda : The Ocarina of Time (Awesome Game)

>Resident Evil 2

>Super Mario 64

>Mario Kart 64

>Turok 2 : Seeds of Evil (Superb)

I wanna get the following:

>The Legend of Zelda, Majoras Mask

>Golden Eye

>Mega Man 64 (Heard its good)

>Perfect Dark



Can you guys tell some games that im missing? I wanna get every single good n64 game on the planet!! Nintendo rulz!!!


PS: This is my first ever post in a blog.


pliskin 17 years, 9 months ago

hmmm…. I dont know there is something about that thing that I do not like, you know that thing with the thing and the thing and that thing that has something to do with the thing, and things………………………………………………….


you're all racist !!!

mazimadu 17 years, 9 months ago

I have all of the above roms (except megaman, it sucks). If you need to know where to get them. send me a message

Jabberwock 17 years, 9 months ago

Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game in my opinion, though I'm not exactly a devoted fan or anything. I think the Donkey Kong games for SNES were some of the best ever made, but the one for N64 wasn't as good. It's alright, I guess, though. As for Goldeneye and SSB, they're awesome, but they'd suck on an emulator because the multiplayer is the only good part. Also, for SNES you need to get yourself all of the Mario games - that is, Super Mario 1, 2, 3, Super Mario World, and Yoshi's Island.

Metroid is also really good, though I'm a bit of a latecomer (didn't play it until this year), and I've only ever played the original and a little bit of Metroid Prime.

OBELISK 17 years, 9 months ago

Zelda : The Ocarina of Time (Awesome Game)

Agent_Milo, I'm glad to know you have seen the light. I welcome you, as a brother.


Yeah, I'm like, the biggest Zelda freak here.

mixahman 17 years, 9 months ago

I have all of the above roms (except megaman, it sucks). If you need to know where to get them. send me a message

what r u smoking brotha! on of the most under-rated rpg like games til this day… if it sucked so much why ported from the psx & have a sequel?

torrents… anyone?

Agent_Milo 17 years, 9 months ago

Pliskin, you have to experience Nintendo's games to like them, like i did. I told that even i couldnt accept Nintendo right. Now thats all changed. Zelda is probably the best game on the planet for me, and there will be many people who will agree with me. Even though the gfx are alot outdated, theres something very beautiful and extremely attractive in them.

Hey ObeLIsK, welcome me as a Zelda freak too! :D

Shork 17 years, 9 months ago

Chrono Trigger and LOZ: Link to the Past for SNES are real good. I don't know how you're gonna find the real games at this point, so emulation might be needed… but don't tell anyone I told you that.

GMWIZ 17 years, 9 months ago


>Zelda 10/10

>Resident Evil 2 9.5/10

>Super Mario 64 10/10

>Mario Kart 64 9/10

>Turok 2 -never played

I wanna get the following:

>The Legend of Zelda, Majoras Mask 10/10 first levels hard

>Golden Eye BEST GAME EVER!!!!!

>Mega Man 64 NO THAT SUCKS


>Banjo-Kazooie 10/10

>Banjo-Tooie 9/10 to wierd

I have most these roms Email me for them

I got them before esa but see i have all of them already in my 64 not turok though

or PM me later ok

GMWIZ 17 years, 9 months ago

Yea i have the mega man rom or i might of deleted it either way PM me or Email me