So I was thinking about this for while, but this morning I decided to sketch up some ideas for a website that has to do with bands and djs. And seeing that some people here are in bands, theres only 1 site you would go to post your band. Myspace.
But we all know how old myspace is, and how irritating it can be to use it. You have the status updates now (finally), but other than that you have a spam box on the bottom.So my idea, is to have a more interactive website. Kinda like a mix of myspace and facebook for bands and djs. Where all band members can register and be connected to a band. Where you can follow your favorite bands, and their updates will show up for you. Where you have a "wall" of what people you follow and comments on your "wall" from friends. And for bands, customization of their page, and for members, less customization, but still some, like a background, opacity and text color.On the pages there could be tabs to switch between their tour dates, photos, videos, and information, so that the page isnt soooooo long. and its all there.So you people in bands, or just like bands or djs, what do you think of this idea?It would be a big project, but im sure I can find people to help me out ;) If it is worth it of course.
So a refreshing version of Soundclick. Cool.
Never heard of Soundclick… Hmmm. Well the first thought that comes into mind with that site is an advertisement site(look and name)
It might be similar to it, but probably better design, marketing, and functionality. Web2.0 makes a difference.I'll sign up when you develop.
my sister's friend had an idea similar to this, she just lacked coding knowhow.(useful) comment
/smartass Seems like a good idea. I'm pretty much fed up with MySpace like no other and thats the only one I know of really, so I'd say go for it.I need to make a poll somewhere D: