Cell Burst (For boredom!)

Posted by Alert Games on March 1, 2011, 6:06 p.m.

I noticed how bored I was looking for blogs to read on 64D right now(especially cause im in VB class…). I feel there is not enough entries for how this system is designed, and therefore i will add my own for you to read and give your opinion.

Cell Burst (elmernite)

Yes it is an old game, pretty chaotic and not much strategy. But I am planning on changing a few things up, and make it online multiplayer! (and by that I mean just like how reflect works)

If you havent played it before, you can play it here:

On YYG! (You may have to download it, and it may hang after the game ends)

So, like i said i was just planning on changing things: some parts of some levels, some weapon ranges, maybe headshots give a bit more damage, moving full speed lowers accuracy a tad, some music changes etc.

I know that the game has a little younger audience, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions to add to the game while I work on it. Then i will probably release a public beta to add or fix anything else.

What do ya think?


colseed 13 years, 11 months ago

Er…slightly bigger characters maybe?

Alert Games 13 years, 11 months ago

What if i zoomed in a little closer? :o

colseed 13 years, 11 months ago

That works. :D

Could even have it in some kind of aiming mode or something.

I seem to remember that was the one thing that annoyed me when I played it - not being able to see anything without squinting…

JID 13 years, 11 months ago

I would love to see this. :D

And afterwards I will force you to make my game MP, or I'll eat your soul. >:D

Alert Games 13 years, 11 months ago

Could even have it in some kind of aiming mode or something.

I seem to remember that was the one thing that annoyed me when I played it - not being able to see anything without squinting…
Good points. I like the aim system idea, but if I were to do it, I would only move the camera a little so its not nuts haha. I guess it would matter if it was fullscreen and what resolution. I have to look at the view dimensions.


And afterwards I will force you to make my game MP, or I'll eat your soul. >:D
If it is a good quality game, id be glad to :D as long as it works with my website. >:D

JID 13 years, 11 months ago

If it is a good quality game, id be glad to :D as long as it works with my website. >:D

Gameplay is good, the graphics will make your eyes bleed.

I've been working on the damn thing for nearly six years.

As long as you help me make it work with your website. >:D

Alert Games 13 years, 11 months ago

Well, what ive been doing so far is taking people's completed games and adding stuff to them. Achievements, highscores, multiplayer. If I can, spice up the graphics and collectibles. But gameplay is the most important. I could still let trustworthy people still work on it though.

JID 13 years, 11 months ago

I have achievements, collectibles and highscores already, the gameplay was great according to people who have played it 2 years ago, and it's infinitely better now.

They only complained about the graphics, they also were against the game having MP for some reason.


MP is necessary.