Quick Update!

Posted by Alert Games on June 24, 2011, 1:52 p.m.

So you may have (or not) noticed the lack of small game collab topics on the right.

That is mostly because I am working on none other than the alert games multiplayer 'API'. Seems that there is a lot of demand all of a sudden for making multiplayer games, so why not let them all use the same usernames, and give them the abilty for highscores, achievements, and friends lists? :D

But dont worry, I will bring back the Small Game Collab once it calms down a bit haha. At that time ill put out a nice gameplay engine, and combine everything into one blog to work with.

And so i'll leave you guys with some minecraft pics from a little bit ago:

The piccadilly station… if you havent seen it


You know eventually i'll have to put together all the best screenshots on the server…


PY 13 years, 8 months ago

Single point of failure, expensive to run, dubious advantage, potentially quite limiting to what data can be stored serverside, a single malicious application can compromise all linked games, so on.

Cpsgames 13 years, 8 months ago

a single malicious application can compromise all linked games
That's not really a problem? Depends all on how the security is done. If it's not done like some sites, you don't leave yourself wide open for one program to access everything. The program only has access to it's own data via game IDs, dev id, password, etc.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

I do like the idea of having one account for all games (similar to Reflect and Steam). If you can work out potential security flaws and be pretty proactive, as well as giving developers some freedom for achievements, leaderboards, and rankings (custom/downloadable content would be awesome if possible), then you can easily outdo Reflect with the right technologies.

PY brings up some good points though. Whether or not you feel it's a problem, it's always best to be prepared than to suffer from hacking and instability. People wonder why Vista was so overbearing, and it's because Microsoft thought security was more important than anything (though they took a more annoying approach of course).

I look forward to its completion.

Alert Games 13 years, 8 months ago

Single point of failure, expensive to run, dubious advantage, potentially quite limiting to what data can be stored serverside, a single malicious application can compromise all linked games, so on.
Not a single point of failure. Not expensive to run. All achievements, highscores, and hosts are already stored server-side, security on data sent as well as verification codes per game, so on.

Alert Games 13 years, 8 months ago

Well there is one issue. And that is that an "API" (in quotes) would have to be trusted to be given out and not distributed. So really its an exclusive API which is why i put it in quotes in the first place.

I think you were thinking that it would be open to all developers. I didnt mention that it isnt.

Since this is a free service im only trusting that people dont abuse the system. And if they are, I can block their IP address. Im not expecting too many members, so if it really does get abused ill have to improve methods of stopping trolls.

Yes I do have methods of stopping or finding cheaters though.

PY 13 years, 8 months ago

So how do I log in? If I have to provide my details, then it's certainly a single point of failure. I suppose you could do it like OpenID which could solve a lot of the issues, but not all of them. If you allow games to store arbitrary data serverside you're opening a can of worms, if you don't you're limiting what the service can do. Expensive to run is obviously relative to how popular it gets, though.

JuurianChi 13 years, 8 months ago
