Your welcome all who are interested. After a lot of work making it more secure, more useful, and most importantly easier to use, the api will help designing multiplayer, highscore, and achievements. Yeah reflect. I coded achievements. You can look at them in your profile. O wait, the profiles also have blogs, highscores of each game? You have a friends list too?
Yeah thats right. The only thing im not putting in this version of the api is retrieving friends lists in-game who are currently playing or are just online. That will be coming though.SO NOW I WILL ANNOUNCE THE PEOPLE WHO GET TO USE THE API:THEY ARE THE MOST RELIABLE AND DEPENDABLE TO FINISH THE GAME:Kenon (PLatformed)CPSgames (dead flesh)and me of course.Edit: and the community project.That is all. Have a nice day. Okay for real im working on this, and nearing completion. Just hang tight CPS, JID, kilin, and maybe Bryan.
This is the multiplayer thing?
(for GM)>3>
What the fuck. ._.
Oh yeah that'll happen. :3
helkilinYay. =)
Looks like I can start making real progress again!Evidently that got a little hype recently, even several years later. So why not?
Speaking of which it would be great if you guys using it have a basic layout down and everything. Which is like: Buttons for the commands, in-game score showing and stuff, and the graphics for the login, server list and such.
Also, the game lobby and the game itself use a main persistent object, and a persistent object per opponent. These store the information of other players and gets the updates from the host. Just to keep that in mind, but its always work-aroundable.i'm looking forward to this too, i have a new game that could greatly benefit from multiplayer :P
and @64brawl, yeah it'd be good if you were to finish it before we've all forgotten about it again lol.