Will studio be a better deal, and if so skip this version?
Worth $80? (see below)
Since you probably want to get to the point:PROS:
-Easy and fast development into HTML5. Which is good for lazy people that wont download games. >:(
-Can (probably) communicate with the webserver somehow (AJAX), which can lead to interestesting things like making a photo album or a (slow) very dynamic webpage that can load the content from the server, etc.
-Multiplatform. As phones get faster, and with the different operating systems and requirements to run the games, a web approach is a good idea for many reasons. Of course this limits performance, but its a good way to bring people in to see your games before they decide to download them, for example.
-How much will studio cost??? If its not much more, then it will be a better deal to get that instead.
- $100 or $200 are both expensive for what many people can do (or want to do) with it.
Bottom line: Is YYG being unprofessional again? (yes) What do you think?
I think Im going to buy it for $80. The reason is because its probably one of the easiest ways to make decent games for the web. (Less efficient, but that is a cost of it.) Also, even my friends didnt want to download my games and said if they were in the browser then I would play it. So it allows a bigger audience really. Its a lot of money, but it pays for their effort. To me it is an investment, like paying someone to convert your games into html5.
To others who want to play around with it for experience? I think the only way you would want this is if you have $80 to burn. In which case I am jealous.