So, GMHTML5 is basically a thrown together program with 2 main features: importing from GM8.1 and exporting to HTML5. So I was thinking…
Would anyone like their game to be exported in HTML5? Too many bugs to do right now.
I bought it, but if I import/export it for you, then you dont even need a copy to try it out.
If you would like me to do it, I would appreciate small donations to help cover the $80 i just spent lol.
(just use the
donate button on this page)
Here are some screens:
It only blocks it when testing it in your browser. Browser testing a really good feature to have though.
I found out how to make it white skin, but either way its ugly right now.
I know a lot of people have been complaining about YYG and all, but it is an interesting feature after all. Though I still think that it is only worth about $100 if you have a use for it. If you dont have a use for it, its worth about a torrent download.
Im probably gonna test some things out to see how it works out.
Grab a source code file of a relatively elaborate game, convert it and host it for demonstration purposes, please?
I might want one of the older versions of YAS World to be converted for the heck of it…
Though really… the interface….? I thought they wanted to come across as professional…I'll wait for it to show up on the internet for about $99 less and pick it up for myself.
@Requiem: Good idea.
@anthonyloprimo: YYG? Their name isnt even professional to begin with.@Unaligned: I couldnt even convert a relativly simple game. Therefore i take back the whole conversion request thing.I think it will take a month for them to get the thing decently working based on what ive seen.And I think why my test game isnt loading is because image_angle is not done yet. :F