AG's V4D review

Posted by Alert Games on Feb. 15, 2012, 1:54 p.m.

Fighter valentine

When you die on the duck you have to view the entire dialog again? seriously? Anyway I really like the artwork of it. Music is also very fit with the style. Adventure seems to be really fun, however the game is so fast! You move so quickly that it is easy to make a mistake. It also sucks on the part where the clouds come down and one-hit kill you. The placement and speed of those is very difficult. :/ Decent looking game for the length of the competition, but I think it needs to be easier with how the challenge is placed in parts, because it gets frustrating. 8/10


Didnt understand it ;) made me laugh thouh. 2/10

Mystery Maze Mash

So much story LOL. Didnt have a very strong correlation with the theme. Controls were also a little tetious with the tiny platforms. Often i over-corrected myself on them. The game itself was somewhat fun, though I think the controls ruined it for me. I would give it an 8, but for the competition i have to give it a lower score cause it doesnt fit as well :P


Unlimited Romance

Very much on theme. This reminds me of when the iPod touch came out with a game like this XD The game looks like a valentines themed game, but doesnt really play as one. Music was decent, otherwise everything looked thrown together :P



fits theme………. but is not really a game which is what this competition is ._.


A Valentine's Tale

HOW DID THE DOORBELL RING IF THE POWER WAS OUT. No but this was a very enter button mashing dialog game. I felt that there was too little gameplay element to it, but did fit the theme. Also the dialog seemed to drag on too :/ Not much happened, but nice simplistic drawings :)


So it seemed like most of the entries either lacked in either following the theme or having real gameplay lol. Nice work to everyone haha.


sirxemic 13 years ago

Could you pretend that I submitted my game as well (and therefore review it)?


JID 13 years ago

Why didn't you put this up on the activity feed?

Anyways, nice reviews.

When you die on the duck you have to view the entire dialog again? seriously? Anyway I really like the artwork of it.

I think I've already said this before, but I didn't expect anyone to die on that part, because I thought Derp Duck was an extremely easy boss.

But, if I did add a save system to that part, it would've caused some bugs because there is no menu to load your save data in the intro.

If I did save that part, you wouldn't be able to play that boss battle ever again(or at least see the dialogue in the beginning)

Also, did you beat the game? I have a feeling that you didn't. :p

Because on the final boss and Me Gusta Fish, the game loads and skips the dialogue for you.

It also sucks on the part where the clouds come down and one-hit kill you. The placement and speed of those is very difficult

Actually, if you go to the left side of the level, all you need to do is kill the one dagger throwing guy, wait for the cloud to come down, then you can walk to get the love package easily, as soon as the cloud is going back up.

And, if you go to the right side of the level, all you need to do is kill the one dagger guy on the right side, and don't move for a second, because you must wait for the first cloud to come down on the right side of the hole.

Once it starts going back up, just run straight to the right, through it, then you're fine. And you beat the level. :)

If you want to SEE what I mean, look at this walkthrough for it and skip to 0:33.

Kunedon 13 years ago

I can't believe I forgot to fix that one part ffff

That's what happens when you skim through the dialog so many times checking if all paths work and forget the small things.

I do agree with the rest of your review, though. Wish I toned down the amount of talking and stuff but eh.

LAR Games 13 years ago

I liked A Valentines Tale a lot more than I thought I would in the beginning. Although I did fail to attract that shy girl. I wonder if that was even possible.

Acid 13 years ago


Kunedon 13 years ago

I wonder if that was even possible.

Alert Games 13 years ago

lol its on the AF now.

@JID: I still have your game saved on my laptop, but youre right i havent played all the way through yet.

I died on the first boss because i wasnt used to the speed of the movement, cause its so fast.

JID 13 years ago

I'm finished with the polished version now pretty much, only one small thing left to do.

It fixes the movements speed, makes it feel tighter and makes the game much more fair and reduces the games difficulty.

Only thing left to do is to fix the filesize. I'm kind of lazy and I don't really want to do it. :p

If you want the polished version right now, you can have it. I'll make it available publicly after I fix the filesize issue.

JID 13 years ago

Also, fix the title. It's "V4D" not "F4D", lulz

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

but it says f4v