Posted by Alert Games on March 30, 2012, 1:50 p.m.

I think the only way for this to get online piracy issue fucking settled is to have the internet create its own law and offer it to the government to consider. If lawmakers cant make a law, then maybe the collaboration of people consisting of the internet can.

Online piracy is a problem, so I came up with this solution. What do you think about these ideas?

I came up with this idea of PSOPA. The People's Stop Online Piracy Act.

Here is a rough outline of what it would look like:

1) If there is a claim made against the person/group, they have a set amount of time (like 90-180 days) to remove that content if they agree with that claim.

2) If they do not agree to the claim, they can counter-sue for an unreasonable claim. People should be protected from big corporations by having a small reward for the person if that larger company has made an unreasonable claim.

3) Acceptable content would include anything that is not originally broadcasted as being copyrighted. Anything not altered to remove such copyrighted notices. Anything that is a recreation of a copyrighted work, provided it has been credited to the original author, and is distinguishably different. (for example, making a song based off of another copyrighted song. remixes.) and is not sold unless given permission from the original author, etc etc (theres laws for this to abide by).

It would also be acceptable to supply a preview of such works, as long as it is non-profit. A preview would be anything supplied from the original author of their work.

4)If they do not agree to the claim, they must be tried by the country of which the content they are hosting or supplying access to has originated from. i didnt say in, here. possibly a set up where other countries would inform the person of their accusations and the person would report their defense back

5)Upon a successful trial that the person is guilty of the crime, the ISP's would be required to block access to this host. The fine of the person would be to No need to seize the information then, unless it is distributed to people manually

Basically the people need to be protected from the huge organizations, and the problem will be much better controlled.

I know this would be aggravating to people who like to download stuff (including me), but HOPEFULLY this would drop prices of overpriced productions, and create more legal and legit ways to get access to these things.

This would also make it legal to maybe put your voice over a movie for most of it on your own comments, but also have a clear visible watermark over the image of the movie to distinguish it from the real thing. If it seems like the intention is to distribute the movie illegally, it could be tried in court, and its not an unreasonable claim.

Who knows? Maybe there will be more people moving to linux then until windows drops their prices. Maybe there will be more services to show you TV and movies like netflix and hulu. And its better than the shitty laws that are being proposed right now.

Your thoughts?


flashback 12 years, 10 months ago

The issue is the order. While I might be able to pull myself out of debt *if* I successfully counter-sue and win, getting the "small reward," in the short term (that is, before the case has even gone to trial and until its conclusion) I'm still broke.

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

right, but that doesnt relate to online copyright claims in particular does it? wouldn't it be the same system that is used if a company or group wanted to sue you for something more tangible, like playing their song or movie clip at an event or something?

in either case if it is not possible to counter sue, then you may have to just go through the process of just defense, rather than offense. but if they make a rediculous enough claim, you know you would win a counter-sue given that you supply evidence. And otherwise if you think its iffy, then take down what they claimed copyright, and change it to not be infringement. I dont think a corporation would waste their time on small things then, because they would be losing bits of money by putting people through that.

But perhaps a better and less frustrating method would be to just allow the presentation of the copyrighted works AS LONG AS it is presented with

a) no form of formal profit (such as advertisement, or other fees to the viewer), unless the original author has authorized it.

b) proper credit of the original author

c) unaltered from the original if presented as such

flashback 12 years, 10 months ago

in either case if it is not possible to counter sue, then you may have to just go through the process of just defense, rather than offense
Shockingly, lawyers still charge for their services when defending a client as well.

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

if you know you have a winning case, wouldnt you be able to have an lawyer you can afford to defend your case? Otherwise, you can just take down the content.

But I kinda like the method i posted on my last comment to solve that problem.