AG API DEMO + Mockup Competition

Posted by Alert Games on April 6, 2012, 12:10 p.m.

NEWS: I will be changing my name from Alert Games, once the API and system are more perfected and tested! :D I already have a good domain down.



Everyone can download this demo and try out the system for themselves!

But you must have an account on here:

The demo includes the major functions of the API that I worked my ass off on:

Authentication "dialog", highscore/achievements, serverlist, multiplayer(barebones), multiple secure profiles

Some things that have tiny problems are:

-highscores interface is kinda meh sometimes

-The file encryption has ocassional problems i need to work out.

-Must press Esc key a couple times to exit


This is what the site looks like, but the name and logo will change!

All the stuff on the site must still be on the mockup, but you can move things around.

This site is a gaming website, but also focuses on the feed and stats of the players!

I'm looking for new ideas mostly, but if your design is really great, you can help with the design of the actual website, and put in your portfolio that you got picked! (Also, if I get any profits down the line I can share some ;) )


Cpsgames 12 years, 10 months ago

No. Mo'fuckin. Way.