Null byte character file reading in GM?

Posted by Alert Games on April 16, 2012, 10:46 p.m.

Inb4 don't use GM.

So I figured out that GM uses null-terminated strings. Unfortunately this gives an incorrect ranslation of the RC4 encryption on the file for profiles.

So what I am wondering is:

is there a better way to save profiles securely? such as using a different encryption?

or is there a way to handle these null characters? like '\0' or possibly writing bin?

I already have a checksum to check if any information was changed, but it stores the user's password as well which should not be plain text. (the Key is seeded to prevent easy decryption) I need some way of keeping profiles secure for the API :o And im not going to use the one I use to send information to the server, because I purposefully only have the encoder in the API.

If anyone has any ideas let me know!


poultry 12 years, 10 months ago

I like winning two ways.

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

I've been trying different methods, but they all have problems. Does anyone have a method of saving encrypted files? GM suxxorz.

Lorik 12 years, 10 months ago

GM suxxorz.

Yeah, but that's not a good reason to quit using it, right? :P

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

@Lorik: Right…. only use it for fast game competitions or building quick games….

No, I'm gonna try writing the file in binary using 39dll. If that doesnt do it then i dont know what will

Lorik 12 years, 10 months ago

There's no way you can just add a pass that strips out the null byte character when you're loading the data in from wherever? Maybe adding a character to the ends of your lines to flag the exact characters that need to be stripped (then having your cleanup pass look for *N or whatever)?

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

Not with RC4 as it uses the entire range of the byte including the 0 (null) character. Therefore I will need to write it in binary. Which may not be too bad, but I think it will work 100x better in 39dll than GM's bad functions.