
Posted by Alert Games on May 2, 2012, 11:46 a.m.

SO since some of you have gotten internships or jobs in this field, I'd like to know some opinions of which would be better. I know its my decision, but if one will help me over the other in the future it may be worth it.

Anyway so I interviewed with two business owners in the city and they both like me. I've gotten an offer from one and the other will get back to me within a couple days.

The job I got an offer for already is an industrial company. They work with an intern once a year I think and they need help with their database. Basically storing the database properly and making an application to access it in remote locations. The owner is thinking about using new technologies from Microsoft including Silverlight and Lightswitch. Yes, these are microsoft specific and would not be the best choice for making a robust application, but for this company they need something that is reliable, flexible, and done quickly. Which is what this is for. Also, I would work IT people in the company to know about the information, but I would be learning and designing this all on my own.

The other company does applications for health-related companies such as health insurance or other large companies. They have about 6 or 7 other interns working with OO PHP (I was surprised they werent using something like RoR) to make anything from questionares and tutorial videos, to CMS. Clear-cut and to the point.

So I like both of these options, because I like making applications for people to use, but I also like managing a database. After the internship I think I would rather be someone who designs software or designs systems or databases rather than a coder that tries to making everything most efficient and flexible to be improved on. Which job do you think would be good experience to have following my graduation of college?

hopefully that wasnt too much of a read but a quick opinion would be helpful because there are pros and cons to each one. So far I dont know the pay of this second company, but I could negotiate a little if there is little difference.

Thanks A LOT for your help if you know a little about the workforce in general


twisterghost 12 years, 9 months ago

I would go with the first one. Database management is almost an insta-hire for a lot of companies. Seriously, that shit is like catnip for employers.

But, do whichever fits best for you. More important than anything is which you feel you'd fit better in. Make sure you choose a place you won't regret working for 2 weeks in. It is a weird decision.

My vote is the first place, even though it may be hard, it will be worth it. You'll find you'll learn way more on the job than you ever will in school.

Alert Games 12 years, 9 months ago

Yeah thats what I was thinking too. I like the face that I can be in control and responsible over the information and have that sense of management. I also find database work to be interesting and it comes naturally to me.

Thanks for your input though! I didn't know how employers viewed that experience but now I know that it can be very valuable.

I'll leave this blog here incase anyone else wants to see this.

DesertFox 12 years, 9 months ago

Go with the first one. It seems like more of a challenge, more fulfilling and less boring.