Of various ideas and direction

Posted by Alert Games on Nov. 18, 2013, 8:42 p.m.

I saw the words telling me to make a blog…

==== Web ====

I am working on my new site that focuses on my projects, and also team members. It will also link to the blog and the individual project pages, which is nice.

It will also have some extra features for each member, where we can collaborate a little and store personal bios that can be shown to people (e.g. Linked In, Resume's, etc) And I created a Trello as well for working on projects.

I might be thinking up some new ideas for the web portion of the API. I'm thinking, maybe have the website be the control panel for developers, and store the highscores, achievements, friends lists, and serverlists(hosting will have a fee), as well as in-game purchases(if it gets to that point). Then, the scores, achievements, etc will be able to be linked to externally. So theres not one site you have to go to (kinda like Mochi Media, instead for other platforms than flash).

This will probably be a team effort, once I finally get to it around my schoolwork.

==== School ====

Last semester, busy as hell. Am working on an API for C# games, which is cool because I can use what I learn to incorporate into the AGAPI. Other classes are a pain in the ass with the number of papers I have to write…

==== Life ====

I play Minecraft, watch a few movies, work, get drunk and party, work on the above.

Any questions? derp.

Also I think its about time 64digits has a few more options to use GUI for the BBcode. May make it easier to style the blog n upload images n stuff.

Cool beans.
