With all the data collection going on lately...

Posted by Alert Games on Oct. 6, 2014, 10:58 a.m.

I have had this vision for a while, and one day I hope to build up to that point. I've noticed that most services on the internet that people use are free and useful. This was fine for quite some time, but then a growing concern grew around the world. Data collection going on at a massive scale, which isn't a problem until someone does something evil with it. Many Americans don't have a clue what is going on anyway, but it really isn't always their fault (not to get into that topic here, but long story short, the richer people keep their information from the less fortunate in many ways). But the main problem is that most either don't care at all, or get their information from the news…

But because of this problem, I thought it would be interesting if you could take advantage of this kind of situation. What if you could make a network of technologies similar to the big ones today, like facebook, twitter, youtube, and even new ones like an updated phrot system (heh). But build a trust network that, instead of collecting your information for profits, you agree to keep all information private, and only charge a low cost for the user (e.g. about $1/month). I feel that many would rather pay $1/mo. than constantly worry about their information privacy, especially for those who are asked to use computers where they have little knowledge of them and get into trouble by compromising their data. The technology would be funded by people who support the kind of system that they would rather have, and you could always have the option to use free services instead.

At that point, there could be optional settings to allow the collection of your data or not to specific groups. It would also cut down on advertisements to maybe only trusted organizations, and have better security options to reduce the amount of spam and attacks. That type of development detail would cost considerable extra time and money to accomplish, but would not be in as much interest of free systems because there is benefit for them to not do it.

If such system would exist, maybe I would have to fix my family's virus-infected computers so often…



Alert Games 10 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, I mean I don't care either way because I know what to avoid. But, for example, my non-tech brother typed iTunes into google to download it, and the first result was a spyware program disguised as iTunes which started causing problems. And my sister somehow got a virus within the first couple weeks of using her new computer.

Instead of paying best buy to repair your computer everytime, or calling up your tech relative (me) to fix everything you did wrong everytime, it would be nice to have a paid model that offers a number of partner services (facebook, youtube, google, wikipedia, news, things like that) with no, or safe & limited advertisement and give everyone a sigh of relief if they choose to do so!

Toast 10 years, 3 months ago

Just went on my parent's laptop to find malware everywhere.

Amazingly, it's a macbook.

It never ceases to amaze me how eager people are to install stuff on their computer even though they have no idea what it is.

Acid 10 years, 3 months ago

But Toast, Mac's don't get viruses or malware.

NeutralReiddHotel 10 years, 3 months ago

i like google. they give me a universal calendar to work with, a place to upload my files for free, a good email with a lot of storage. if they want to know my personal information to send me ads i don't even pay attention to anyway so i don't have to pay money for these useful services, cool.

Alert Games 10 years, 3 months ago

@cyrus: It was a new laptop, so no it was clean before actually.

@Reiddsan: I agree but when they started putting up bad advertisements my opinion starts to change. Besides, I think their calendar and email need an upgrade coming up soon.

Toast 10 years, 3 months ago

@Acid Apparently it will brick OSX if you don't delete every file.