Need walking sprite animation

Posted by Alert Games on June 7, 2015, 6:30 p.m.

I spent most of this weekend working on a prototype to an upcoming project that deals with User Interface in Game Maker. (which I want to use to make better software with it leading up to *gasp* a new particle designer that, might I add, will be pretty badass and actually focuses on exporting graphics rather than only particles themselves directly into your game….. anyway, back on topic)

This initial prototype will actually make it possible to have perfect game scaling when resizing the window, without the use of any DLL's.. just silly game maker hacks.

However, it would be a bit boring of an example to just have that feature to show off, so I'd like to get a character in it to move around for the test.

Please post the graphic with a walking animation for 4 directions, and the dimensions of the sprite to import it into Game Maker and I will use it for the example! With credit, of course.


The faster responses get better chances to be featured. Now gimme! plz



NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 7 months ago

If you load this on GM as a strip sprite, it should work.


I made it years ago, still proud.

Alert Games 9 years, 7 months ago

I like this little guy. I'll use it!