Window Resizing GM - opinions needed

Posted by Alert Games on Aug. 1, 2015, 10:03 a.m.

So I have been working on this project for a couple weeks now to test the limits of GM anddd…... The results were…. ok.

I also noticed that Game Maker Studio doesn't seem to scale very well and I haven't figured out a way to fix it.even have the ability to re-size the window from the edges of the window, or even through code itself AFAIK. And then I also noticed that they seemed to have dropped support for the legacy versions of Game Maker, including 8.0 and 8.1. Disappointing…

But I have come up with this as a window re-sizing test with a .gm81 file,.. if you still have GM8.1. It re-sizes the window and the view on the room simultaneously.

DOWNLOAD the EXE and try it out and witness the glitchyness

Get the GM8.1 source file (can be imported to GM:S with some tweaking.)

I may also make a gmk if I can find my GM8.0

If people could help me out with some feedback on their preferences with the window re-sizing that would be quite helpful. I plan to use one of the methods with the new particle designer. And because I have less faith in GM today, this designer will be more focused on any game development platform, but will still generate GM code for those who want to use it. And XML, so it can be translated.

If you prefer neither method, then I may just stick with a drop-down or option to choose your window size instead. You'll probably notice that the methods in GM are not the most fluid.

Also, thanks to Reiddsan for the character sprite to play with.


Phoebii 9 years, 5 months ago

Sorry mate, I use Studio, so cannot test.

But what do you mean, you can't resize window in GM:S?

Global game preferences > Graphics > Check box 'Allow player to resize game window'

Or window_set_size(w,h)

Alert Games 9 years, 5 months ago

@zurrix: Thanks, I was looking for this feature! Also, you can test via the EXE file to see how it performs on the GM8 export if you wouldnt mind helping out :)

…Or you can also import into GM:S and change the setting to allow window resize, but I haven't figured out why it looks terrible when it is resized yet… :/

Phoebii 9 years, 5 months ago

Okay, tested both imported project and EXE.

Pressing 1 or 2 changes nothing.

F4 turns fullscreen on.

F1 turns game off, but few times it turned screen yellow. Lol.

ESC also turns game off.

By the way, your GM particle editor rocks!

Alert Games 9 years, 5 months ago

Were you using the NUMpad? I'll have to add those keys in. And thanks, the new one will be 10x as cool and useful but there is a lot of work to be done with game maker because it has no great libraries for software type things.