notification poll!!

Posted by Alert Games on Jan. 17, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

Hey guys,

I'm curious as to what you guys prefer when tracking project updates. What is your preference??

I would embed the tweet but I don't think I can do that here…. so here you go:

Update on things: I've updated my site in a minor way, but also added a page for GMUI. Check that out here and feedback is of course welcome:

Still trying to get everything done as quickly as possible. Is hard.

Sorry for the short blog, but I felt like contributing some content and would like to hear from you guys too :>


Phoebii 7 years, 1 month ago

Voted. (email)

spike1 7 years, 1 month ago

Doubt it's helpful, but I would vote email if I had an account. With that being said I've been watching its progress from here :P, and it looks like a very competent library. I wish I could say more but I don't use Gamemaker, anyway good luck with its continuation! Also that is a very snazzy looking page :D.

DesertFox 7 years, 1 month ago

I don't twit, but my vote is github / source control notification.

Alert Games 7 years, 1 month ago

yay thanks guys. Looks like i'll still do the usual stuff, posting on twitter (and github can send out notifications itself). But I suppose I'll also focus on setting up a distribution email system that people can subscribe to as well.

I'd like it to just link to a profile, but my guess is that some people won't want to sign up yet and would prefer just submitting an email for updates for now. cool.

Alert Games 7 years ago

Actually working on the image zoom feature right now, but thanks for the feedback, I'll know someone will make use of it

Interesting project. Did you end up buying the full version of GM Studio 2?

Feel free to check out my GUI project and compare it, I'm trying to make the best possible open-source framework and am not afraid of a little constructive criticism if you don't mind!

Alert Games 7 years ago

Thanks! Really appreciate the analysis of it, it will help a lot to figure out the best way to showcase the functionality i've been working on.

On the first point, unfortunately, it probably won't get a whole lot more stylish from me lol. I may need some assistance in creating some of the first "themes" when it is released I'll admit. I might be able to create some simple examples like plain white & colors or something, but nothing too extravagant.

Hmmmm, yeah I'll have to figure out a better way to showcase the code. As for the initialization, I can see where you are coming from on that but I don't know a way to do that in GML… (for GMS 1.x or GM8) unless I hardcode the variable name. The init script sets up an identifier global that gets assigned to each 'grid' you create. But perhaps I could include the check inside of the script to see if it was called already at least… EDIT: Or I could include the call with the object as a parameter to assign it and its properties…. That could work, yeah

I'll also have to explore ways to demonstrate is more advanced capabilities, yea.

Could this work as an overlay, or does mouse clicks etc migrate?
Could you elaborate on this? Not sure what you mean by 'migrate'… But it doesn't consume a mouse click at the moment, so a click would work on anything else, except within GMUI it is layer-based.

Thanks. I figured the caret wouldn't be a crucial feature for now, but I'll definitely put it down. I've done it before in particle designer, but it takes a little bit of effort to do correctly.

Codebase is relatively large, but is broken down in folders in the repo. Basically I separated the user-defined script folders from the framework, then also kept the internal scripts separate from what a developer would use.

As for grouping, right now you create a group then call a script to add a control to a group. I might change the method that it is done, but I'll have to see if it makes the code better or worse. Same with layering. You can draw borders and backgrounds, or even use a sprite map, but I don't really have it in the demo at the moment. The menus are currently drawn with rounded rectangles.

Thanks again for the review, I'll take a look at the changes you've made to yours as well

Alert Games 7 years ago

Hey thats pretty neat.

Ah yes okay now I know what you mean by capturing the mouse. I think I will make that an optional setting.

I did notice your single script for setting attributes of each component, which I think I will add in. I was planning on doing something similar anyway, but instead of a load of "overloaded" scripts, I might as well just keep the shortcut scripts and add in a individual setting script that works for anything.

The initialization I think I have an idea based off of your approach to the events but also to instantiate from the calling code. Could be good.

I'm thinking a lot of good stuff will come out of this. Guess you'll have to stay tuned for the next update :thumbsup: