MC Citaay

Posted by AlexIsBeast on Jan. 9, 2011, 4:36 a.m.

Today I'm writing a blog for yesterday because I cba'd to do it yesterday :)

I first joined the server at around 10.00am and started building my house in the basement of our castle it was going pretty well and then I found out about lifts and bridges all very exciting :D

While I was off-line Adam meanwhile had dug down do bedrock and created a mine, I decided to expand this but ran into a bit of trouble, see the problem was, lava.. it took us a while and on Adam's part many deaths but eventually we found the source block and blocked it off. As we were clearing up the mess to my mine (OCD MUCH) we heard a zombie, so we continued to climb and found a nice little cave where the zombie was, killed him, obviously and left. We continued to clear up but when I destroyed a block more lava flowed out :( and we had to block it of and find the source all over again, the only problem was by destroying one source block we some how created many, it was now a process of covering the floor and digging back up, covering the floor, (1 layer lower now) and digging back up, it went on for a while and I nearly killed Adam but at last we were done. I then dug even further into my mine until I was out of picks. While ass this was happening however Hogofwar discovered a glitch at the co-ordinates 999 on the x and z axis, he was busy building a bridge from it towards the spawn, a straight bridge that went through mountains and couldn't be one degree off, he called upon my help as he needed more cobble, I obliged and brought him much. unfortunately we worked well into the night (midnight real time) so he as well as myself had to leave.

All in all it was a fun day and I hope to finish the road tomorrow (TODAY) :D

Oh also I think this is my first blog post or second? But first proper. :)


firestormx 14 years, 1 month ago

What was the glitch at 999?

(other than that, tl;dr)

JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago


I quit before I even started.

Scott_AW 14 years, 1 month ago

minecraft _._

The eyes fall below the nose.

AlexIsBeast 14 years, 1 month ago


the 999 glitch is where the block at x and y co-ordinates cannot be destroyed, you simply destroy the block behind it, we have finished the road now so be sure to check it out

firestormx 14 years, 1 month ago

Ah, interesting.

btw, ever heard of a band called Alexisonfire?

That's what your name reminds me of. XD

AlexIsBeast 14 years, 1 month ago

Nope never heard of them but now you've mentioned them I listened to a few of their songs, not bad :P