Why I'll kill you if you ever use "feat" in your song titles.

Posted by Alpha Man on Aug. 19, 2009, 9:02 p.m.

Due to the lovely replies to the completely legitimate previous blog entry of mine, I shall continue the talk of which I had given. For those of you who do not know me, I'm Alpha Man, and I joined the other day; Pay me no mind (I have enough minds already!).

Now, if you enjoy listening to music constantly, or if you even make music, you probably aren't very smart and don't base your actions in logic. That's alright kids, I can help you – actually, I can't. You are too far gone.

Have you ever seen the four-letter-combination known as "feat" appear in the song titles of which you have read? I have seen the disastor. Yes. I really just spelt disaster that way. That's how bad it is. It makes me intentionally spell disaster wrong. Now you see how bad it is. It's just that bad. Do you know why it's that bad? Well, first off, what is a feat? It's not a miserable little pile of secrets, that's for sure. It's not like feet, and it's not like brains. It's not even like fish. It's just feat. feat. feat. feat. It cries out to me! "Alpha Man, please! Continue the word! Spell out FEATURING! Do it for your sake, for my sake, and may the way of the hero lead to the fish!"

Well, I got my fish. And I want it back. Yes, I have it and I want it back. Do you see what "FEAT." does to people? It makes them confusationed. Yes. Confusationed.

I bet you're confused now. That's alright, kiddie, I am confused too.

One thing I've never understood about you feat-fanboys. (Is it alright if I call you feat-fanboys?) You don't abdicate when proven wrong as to the validity of the usage of "feat." It makes me wonder : Great men die, but what a way to go. She's not above death by love, but can she see why kids love cinnamon toast church?

Cinnamon toast church. I bet you haven't heard of it. Only the elite four can go to the cinnamon toast churhc – oops, I mean church. Sorry, that's a drastictypo. Yes, I didn't put a space between drastic and typo. Are you starting to hate "feat." yet…? But indeed, the cinnamon toast church, I went there once and I died after a nice gentlemen stole my purser.

My purser. My PURSER. How does "FEAT." end? It ends as FEATURING, yes? Doesn't it make you want to go die? It makes me want to go die. I hate feat, and you should too – so join me, 64Ders, and I will make your face the greatest in Koridai, or else you must DIE

This reminds me of King Harkinian and Link and Zelda. Speaking of Zelda, females are an odd bunch. Their brains are not wired the same way as male brains. Females are inferior in terms of intelligence and pretty much anything, honestly. I find it cute. They can't make up their mind whether they want equal rights or not; Hey, if they get drafted they don't, but if they can't do everything men can then they get upset! What's with females? Another issue for discussion is negros. Yes. Negros. As in, blacks. If that seriously offends you I suggest you leave the internet now because I'm the nicest of the nice when it comes to the meanness and truth of the planet of earth.

So honestly, people of different colors. Some people like to say how it's odd to point out the difference in color; That things like "racists" exist. Do you know how backwards that is? Discrimination and prejudice on a large scale are bad? That's interesting. Tell me, what happens when a child has traumatizing experiences with dogs? Does that child grow up loving dogs? Eh, I wouldn't count on it; While the potential for love is indeed there, it's certainly at a lower chance.

Now, why is it that when a person has no good experiences with people of other races, and then dislikes those races, they're thought less of? I mean, dogs can't come up and reason and apologize or be nice, but people certainly can – and I'm sure that if people of other races went up to the so-called "racists" and were nice then there wouldn't be "racists" anyway.

Now, think about this : It's bad to discriminate against a race, but it's all fine and dandy to discriminate against people who discriminate. Do you see the hypocrisy and backwardness in that? I mean wow, seriously, what is with people? It's quite obvious to me that the more people point out "racists" and "discrimation" and "prejudice", the more such things will prevail in this world. But why would people want to pretend that the differences in genders and races are non-existent? Becoming "white" (of a lighter color, really) wasn't the only change upon going into the forests of europe, and I'll be damned if I sit around and listen to people talk about "skin pigment" being the only difference in race. (Why would people call it "race" if the only difference was color anyway? Also interesting is that people are referred to as "black" and "white"… Wouldn't it be more like brown and peach? Eh. It's all odd stuff, but then again I try not to apply logic to humanoids often.)

It truly is interesting. Don't deny it : People discriminate and pre-judge all the time, but frown upon it when it doesn't suit their needs and wants. Tell me, don't you automatically assume some form of opinion about someone upon knowing them for several minutes? It's called a first impression; But it's pre-judging, too, quite clearly. I honestly stay indifferent until I know enough about a person to form an opinion, but I know I'm in the minority on that. So think about it the next time you go whining about how someone is a "racist" or a "sexist".

I could say that most of this blog entry is just sillyness, but that wouldn't quite be true. I feel the need to point out the idiocy of the human race – since I am ALPHA MAN, after all.

Carry on, young demonicfish.


Amarin 15 years, 6 months ago

The whole "feat." thing is the decline of society at work.

Currently listening to: Logical Blog - Alpha Man feat. Logical Argument

NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 6 months ago

Quote: Purianite


Scott_AW 15 years, 6 months ago


HeroofTime55 15 years, 6 months ago

Angry Blog feat. Alpha Man

HeroofTime55 15 years, 6 months ago

also the decline of human intelligence can be found on the comments page here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89zWNlfgEbI

be thankful these morons are only using 'feat.'

Alpha Man 15 years, 6 months ago

I should make another blog entry just because it's not the same date. Unfortunately for you all, the amount of text in my blog entries will only rise; This is certainly not the extent of my typing ability.

Cesque 15 years, 6 months ago

Nice blog. I hate "Feat." with a passion too. It's a DIZASTOR!!

(back in the olden days, I had no idea what "feat." means, then I assumed it means "featuring", and then I concluded that actually I still have no bloody idea what it's supposed to mean)

Now, think about this : It's bad to discriminate against a race, but it's all fine and dandy to discriminate against people who discriminate. Do you see the hypocrisy and backwardness in that?

But not tolerating the intolerant is actually the only way tolerance is going to work. Let's say we have a society who is tolerant, so they invite a bunch of other people who say "fuck tolerance". So instead of adhering to the standards of tolerance, they hate and discrimate and probably want the death of everyone else in the society, until there's no one left but them. And then the tolerance is pretty much dead.

I call it "evolutionary stability". What you're saying is a bit like "It's important to be nice, so you have to be nice and agree with a person who asks you to kill your parents."

Being nice towards racists may sound like a way to bring down their ideas, but if somebody says "fuck you you [random racial slur]" instead of "hello" you probably won't feel like talking to that person any more.

HeroofTime55 15 years, 6 months ago

Cesque, first of all, if you tell the racist to fuck off it will only fuel their hatred and reinforce their beliefs.

Secondly, fuck tolerance. All it does is tell someone to think "Oh look theirs a black person, his skin is different, I need to treat him specially" and it reinforces racism. Why people still care about something as trivial as skin color is beyond me, it's fucking retarded.

Alpha Man 15 years, 6 months ago

Mr. Hero Of Time Fifty Five – "Why people still care about something as trivial as skin color is beyond me, it's fucking retarded."

I'm not sure what's more retarded; That you don't realize the difference in race is more than just "skin color", or that you feel the need to use a flan as your avatar.

Maybe people should stop posting in my blog altogether if they're going to comment on silly parts and not serious parts.

Kenon 15 years, 6 months ago

Fuck yeah Alpha Man.

I remember you. Kinda.