dear purianite,
it was brought to my attention that you are a fan of my music!
i am thrilled you are enjoying it!
my website is
www.thesarah.comand myspace is for all your wonderful support!
keep dancing!
your friend in music!
Sarah Atereth supposedly registered here on 64D and sent me this message. She's one of my favorite singers, in case you didn't know.
I have reason to believe that this is indeed legit, because the only people here who have heard of Sarah Atereth are the ones I've told about her.
(Yes, it did end up actually being her)
I discovered the Solasso Mix of "Fade Away" on Music Choice, on TV. I liked it, so I found it on iTunes. I decided which remix to buy; I went and got the Robert Larow Club Mix, which is still one of my favorites. That's how I came across her.
So yeah, tell me what you think.
Watch out for those commies,
-Purianite out.
I'd quite well doubt it
Nobody here knows about her, so I don't know.
Hmm, well the account doesn't seem to be a duplicate, so either someone has too much time on their hands or this is actually legitimate.
Flashback, don't be mean. >:[
Who the fuck is Sarah Atereth!?
Rob: Read the PM.
If I was sending a PM to one of my fans, I would at least bother to capitalize their username.
The account only has one IP, and it's one that noone else has.
Mabye some new user made a prank, or a user Mageknight knows made a new account on a school computer and sent the PM.
It was me. I made the account on a school computer.