Oh god how did this get here / Kizuna

Posted by Amarin on Jan. 10, 2012, 12:41 p.m.

Well, I made a game for F4D. Kizuna: The Girl Who Saved Christmas.


Kizuna Kisaragi is a good little girl who's been looking forward to Christmas. Ichipa Sento (yes, that's a pun on "1%", making fun of the Occupy protesters) is a greedy little foreigner brat whose father is the CEO of Sento Robotics Corporation. She sends an army of robots, including mechanical nutcrackers, among other things, to take all the presents for herself. It's up to Kizuna to save Christmas.

>among other things

Yeah, I was going to have suicide bombing penguins and snowman bots. But I was pressed for time.


Download (regular): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4083095/Kizuna_v1-0.zip

My friend TplusK's tweaked version with 2x FXAA (Shader hooks are awesome): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4083095/Kizuna_v1-0-fxaa.zip


colseed 13 years, 1 month ago

That was rather fun actually. I didn't quite finish, got to the final boss, whittled boss health down to about 40%, then had to go do something else and couldn't find a pause button, so… -_-'

also shotgunning spread-shotting 10 nutcrackers in the face


Amarin 13 years, 1 month ago

I would've called it a shotgun, but all shot types are from the same gun. But yes, I found shotgunning stuff fun, and I'm glad you did too.

I'd add a pause menu but last time I did that it was a project and a half.

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 1 month ago

I downloaded it, but pulled up the Internet because it was stuck briefly to complain about how it froze or something, and then it locked my cursor in the middle so I ended up being completely unable to do anything except Alt-F4 everything I had open :/

When I got to the window itself, I was staring at some white something, and moving the mouse put some wall thing briefly into view before it disappeared again.

Rinse wash repeat and you have me trying again tomorrow because I'm at the library and they're closing. D:

thernz 13 years, 1 month ago

Halfway through the game I decided to use my ultimate technique of running from everything, but I made up for it by beating boss and saving Christmas despite only getting half the presents.

BP Scraps 13 years, 1 month ago

Hey boys and girls, can you guess who's gonna leave a wall-of-text comment?

*cough cough*

Yeah, that's right!

Rob 13 years, 1 month ago

I downloaded it, but pulled up the Internet because it was stuck briefly to complain about how it froze or something, and then it locked my cursor in the middle so I ended up being completely unable to do anything except Alt-F4 everything I had open :/

What is Alt-tab?

koldmonster1 13 years ago

4023800 in Sleet Mode! That was my best score in this game, yet! I downloaded it and it works! I think this game is a whole intense! Congratulations, Purianite!

LAR Games 13 years ago

Wow. Is the main character 3d?

Rob 13 years ago

Damnit, guys. Stop bumping old blogs. Do you see that below the comment box? Do not update Recent Activity Feed? Yeah. Click that.

flashback 13 years ago

You are clearly the best Hall Monitor, Rob. Have a sticker.