For anyone that remembers, or cares, I've been working on a game since 2008. It's taking this long because I'm a heavy procrastinator. You can see the first announcement here:
If I hadn't been goofing around for the entire development of this game, you wouldn't see the dramatic changes or upgrades that have taken place sense I started it off. Lately I've been fleshing out a tutorial for the game when you start to properly get you used to the controls and additionally added in new sprites to accompany it. Tutorial isn't complete yet, but it should do more than enough to teach you how to play instead of the standard "Game Info" window that pops up when the game starts. You will still be able to view that any time during the game in case you forgot anything though. Oh, also added in 1080p support for the game, because I was really irritated about how pixelated the game looked. (should scale down to smaller resolutions with how it's programmed)Here's some screenshots for progress on such things (right click and pick view image or drag the image into a new tab to see full size):The new enemy starts off looking harmless enough: And then this happens (excuse the depth settings and the un-updated sprite)And suddenly you're on the run, you must destroy it before you are allowed to progress: The new enemy has a 25% (maybe) chance to spawn in after you've killed all of the viruses, so beware and prepare yourself, because that thing is a tough one. (obviously not during the first level, this is just what you'll see if it spawns)And that wraps up this announcement.Edit: Oh yeah! I've also taken the time to change boss health bars to span the screen like boss health bars usually do in other games and when you damage it you can see how much damage you did, seen here:there was one point where I messed up calculating damage and wellKilled it in one shot. Also updated the firewall sprite, now looks more like a wall instead of a cheesy trailHack Attack Announcement #2 - It's a long one
Posted by Animaster78900 on April 2, 2015, 2:13 p.m.