Lotsa Stuff

Posted by Atmosck on Aug. 8, 2006, 7:24 p.m.

Well i'm moving. We're closing on a new house that's like just across the street on thursday. I'll probobly pack up the computer then and and the people are installing the cable on i think friday, so i shouldn't have hardly any Dying-For-A-Computer time.

I've taken to reading The Escapist ( http://www.escapistmagazine.com ) quite a bit recently, and i suggest it to all who play and especially design video games. It gives some very insightful insight into gaming philosiphy.

Well with the site back up Czar Wars II is finally up and it's on the main page, but it's 2nd to last so i don't suppose it'll be for long. I say check it out, it has no comments or ratings last time i checked, so go and voice yourself.

After reading twisterghosts dream i have the sudden urge to be random, so i feel now i should start writing more realyl awesome stories with my friend and finish our book, which we decided is the perfect setting for a zany kick-ass RTS. I'll talk about that sometime. Not now though. I'm in a lazy mood.


Hootiehoo 18 years, 6 months ago

There are too many new users. Stop!