All Homework, All The Time

Posted by Atmosck on Aug. 23, 2006, 4:16 p.m.

I have what is easily three hours of homework that requires not thought whatsoever, just a cramp.

And that's just in spanish. That's not including Algebra II, English Honors and practicing for both Orchestra and Jazz Band. My friend told me the marching band needed an electric bass and i should join, and I have no idea how that would work. My bass is like 25 pounds and my amp is like 50.

Parade float, mabye?

And this totally kills my free time considering i'm trying to get to bet by 9:30 because i have to get up at 5:00. I have no time for game making, or even thinking through how the game's gonna work, or even thinking about prioritizing the 5 games i want to do, 1 of which is like 1/5 done at most, with some bugs.

In fact, i don't even have time to do this. I'm gonna be up tonight.

I got somethinking done between thoughts today about the musical platformer i talked about before. You would not be pushed forward like in those Super Mario game where you can't controll the screen, but you cannot go backwards past the bar lines. I decided i'm going to try to develop a limb system and use it so that the direction your gun is pointing is controlled by the mouse, independant of your keyboard movement. There will be alternate endings for levels, that you get if you manage to land on the coda. There will be repeats also, if you land on the repeat symbol, and then you can get extra points for doing a section over.

I also have the sudden inclination to make another Czar Wars game, where you are actually a cossac for the Czar that looks like a red blob rather than simply a red blob. I would give it better graphics, meaning larger and more, and give it a player-driven music system where the BG music is bass and chords and all the sound effects make up the meledy.


rockyran 18 years, 6 months ago

Welcome to the world of "School takes up your life and very soul". Have some drinks.