I can't believe I've never been on Sourceforge before

Posted by Awakezok on Feb. 4, 2015, 2:40 a.m.

Seriously, wow I feel like such a doofus. Somehow I find myself at the most obscure websites and pride myself thinking 'hey I must be pretty good at this whole internet thing' but haha this site has managed to elude me all this time. Funny because, I know for a fact I've seen people talk about it and just didn't bother to check it out. I would have be so excited back in 2012, maan.

http://sourceforge.net/, for the uninitiated. I just think this is a really cool site, there seems to be a huge amount of software stuff on here and its got a pretty approachable feel to it, makes me want to dive right in. Aaand now I sound like a spambot. But really though, I feel a bit out of touch with modern software sometimes, I think its just because of the fact that most of my computer use back in the day happened on a frankenstein laptop running Windows XP, and while I've been moving up from that I only recently got a machine thats up to modern standards. Ah well, lets see what we can discover.

So I've noticed there are quite a few game engines('Game Development Framework Software') out there now, definitely more than I was aware of. I thought it might be interesting to see what people think of the merits of these. It kind of makes me think that these could be pretty interesting to have as a product, which I guess they already are considering buying and selling software assets seems to be common practice in the industry. What if there was a company that focused on providing frameworks instead of games, and then focused on providing support for them? I don't think it would do very well as a business and yet there does seem to be a significant demand, or user base for this sort of thing. Thinking back to myself and other people I knew getting into game design, it was mostly through playing with scenario editors that really exposed me to that, and going from that to mods to game engines does seem to be a popular progression (although I never dug in too much into engines and mods before jumping over to game maker). So perhaps this is just the natural progression into a more accessible state. Could definitely look into this a bit more

Any other sites you guys think are just gems? Anyone got some knowledge bomb that you know you just need to drop? Anything interesting occur to you while reading my blog? Leave a comment, I like talking to people.


LAR Games 10 years ago

That's strange. I think it'd be pretty hard to avoid if you download a bunch of software.

Alert Games 10 years ago

Honestly, 64digits.

But seriously networking sites like this one, facebook, reddit, youtube, or whatever have some cool stuff on them and sometimes I find stuff through what people have made. I also work on projects and look up examples through google and find better ways to do things or ask other people what they have found.

Of course it takes a bit of research for anything though and its probably best to ask about it on a network or search for a question someone already asked (if its up to date). People are constantly improving things and making better alternatives all the time.

Awakezok 10 years ago

@Lar, well yeah I'm pretty sure I've downloaded files hosted on there before, probably through a mirror link or something like that. I always thought it was another typical file hosting site.

@Alert, yeah that's generally how I go about finding things. The internet is always getting bigger, its pretty common to see sites with both a fairly large amount of people using and still remain in obscurity outside of whatever its specific niche is. I'm actually pretty happy with the sites I've found (like this one) and I'm trying to focus more on using them to their full extent.

F1ak3r 10 years ago

Sourceforge is like Github for old-school C++ hackers and without all the Nodejs. I just wish it had as nice an interface as Github, but it probably wouldn't fit the atmosphere.

Hacker News has some pretty cool stuff every now and then, in between the entrepreneurship seminars and hipster startups.