I love playing with MS Paint, so I rendered a Black and White version of my page. Looks pretty cool, eh? Look at all my badges! :O
Another Example?
Yep, I also made another example today, called the Image Blend Example. You can probably guess what thats for. [:P]
You need to be registered for that example to work.
Give comments plz kthx.
I plan on starting a competition and I invite all Game Makers to check the site out, and wait till I post more info about the competition.
Hints:- The competition limits you to GML only. NO D&D (Besides Execute Code/Script)
- You will be limited to 10 rooms
- The game genre is currently unknown to the public. Hehe…
- File sizes must be under 5 MB unless you have a music pack or something.
- File types can be either gm6, gmd, rar, or zip.
AzureGameZ [=D]
Host-a-net is bad, mmmmmkay?