My Halloween week is ruined

Posted by Azure on Oct. 30, 2006, 4:09 p.m.

Okay, first of all, I have a really bad smile and bad breath, cause my teeth grow in all the wrong places, and I don't brush my teeth too well.

I used to have braces 2 years ago, and I'm going to the orthodontist today, so I may get them again. I'll edit this blog afterwards explaining how my ortho appointment goes. =(

Tomorrow, I won't be able to participate on Halloween for 2 reasons.

Firstly, I have a orchestra concert that night at 6pm, so that means I need to finish homework BEFORE the concert, which kills my Halloween.

Secondly, even if I didn't have that concert, I was too lazy to go and buy any costumes or things, so my lawn has no decorations and I have nothing to wear.


I hope you realise how friggin pissed I am.

There are so many girls I have a crush on in school, but anyway, I'm talking to this one girl who I think is pretty cool and we usually have some small yet nice conversations. Unfortunately, she is going out with someone else that I know pretty well.

If your good at guessing, guess what kinda person this guy is.

If you finished making your guess, let me tell you. His name is Kevin and he is a skater. >_>

Isn't it so weird how a lot of girls today end up going out with skaters or guys that get in trouble a lot? If that isn't in your school, its in mine.

So Kevin sits at my lunch table, and we are good pals, but it hurts me to talk to him, knowing that he is going out with one of the girls that I liked. So I kinda try to listen to his music (Heavy Metal Fan). He has a bunch of skate magazines, which I don't really get right now, but the tricks are AMAZING. [:O]

He, Kyle, David, Eric, and some other skate kids also toy around with TechDecks during lunch, so I'm going to see if I can get one of those. I'm not much of a skater myself, but I DO own a skateboard.

Do you think I should change for the girl I like? Thoughts? Comments?

Do you think that I'm a fucking idoit? I don't blame your for saying yes.


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Omega_Squid 18 years, 3 months ago

[>>] Dont go changin'….

liquid 18 years, 3 months ago

Don't change for women, they're nothing but trouble, however soft they are XD Just be yourself, girls come and go, find one that likes you for who you are, why live a lie?

Arcalyth 18 years, 3 months ago

Omfg Azure, stop stealing my lines >:[

You're in what, 8th or 9th grade? Don't even bother going out with someone yet.

poultry 18 years, 3 months ago


Azure 18 years, 3 months ago

NO IT ISN' SAMANTHA. (thank god) :P


sk8m8trix 18 years, 3 months ago

yeah, its the opposite at my school, not a lot of girls like skaters >_> but im still pretty fucking cool ^_^

Azure 18 years, 3 months ago

Uh huh. ("yea right… pfft")

Cocopuffs 18 years, 3 months ago

You're a fucking idoit. Not really, I don't like "the idea" of skaters too much. I get chicks, but I'm not a skater, not rich, and kind of fat :P. I do get into trouble from time to time though. Just be funny and smooth, maybe I should make a topic about picking up chicks…

PS: I hate techdecks… It's impossible to look cool playing with them, unless your like me and play with them to make fun of people who are playing with them. :P

Anyways, one of my rules is don't go for chicks if they already have boyfriends. Not only will you get a bad rep of being a chick steeler, it's also not saying much about the girl if she leaves her boyfriends for other guys. I would say remain friends with her, and just go on with your life. Chances are she'll be single again, and if you don't have another girlfriend by then, you can make your move.

That's my chick tip.


Azure 18 years, 3 months ago

Coco knows how to reel the girls in eh?